6 Ways to Staying Safe on the Road
Don't you just hate it when people drive on the highway like they own it? Or, just when you were about to park, some crazy driver pulled in your spot?
Let's say you are stuck in traffic on your way home after a stressful day at work. You have a lot in your mind: your demanding boss, your kids, your dinner, the laundry, and everything else in between. Then out of the blue, this guy in a pickup truck cut you off and gave you "the finger". What's worse you bumped into the driver in front of you from trying to avoid the pickup. Of all days to get into an accident, it happened on a seemingly good day and on a slow moving traffic-all because of a rude, aggressive driver.
This can happen to anyone, even experienced, professional drivers. Accidents happen and no one is exempted from it. So, even if you think you are a good driver, there are still ways you can do to become a better driver. Here are they:
1. Be an observer. When you are behind the wheel, don't just sit there and focus on what's ahead of you. Use your eyes to scan what's on your side and behind you as well. Be wary of the road signs and check your blind spot before changing lanes.
2. Treat everyone on the road as inept. Whenever you are on the road, don't assume too much. Never assume that all motorists know what they are doing. This way, you will be more defensive in driving and cautious of your maneuver. When nearing intersections and stop lights, always look for drivers who may be running the red light and changing lanes frequently.
3. Keep your distance. Even if you're in a hurry, don't drive too closely with the vehicle in front of you. Always give room to be able to stop safely. If the weather is bad, it's especially important to maintain distance with the other motorists. The more space you leave between you and the other driver, the safer you will be on the road.
4. Buckle up. Even if you're just going for a drive to the grocery store or taking a cruise to your friend's house, don't forget to use your seat belt. Make sure that you are buckled correctly to get enough protection in case you get into a collision. Remind everyone in the car to buckle up as well before leaving.
5. Signal when changing lanes, turning, or parking. Your car lights are not there for decoration. They have a purpose and that is to light your path and signal drivers of your driving intention. Making use of these lights will surely keep you safe on the road always.
6. Don't be rude. Rudeness won't do you any good on the road. If someone cuts you off or challenges you on the road, ignore them. Always keep your emotions in control and you'll surely keep yourself safe on the road.
Keep in mind that being a good driver is not enough to drive safely. You need to be better and more defensive in driving to travel safely on today's busy roads.
Let's say you are stuck in traffic on your way home after a stressful day at work. You have a lot in your mind: your demanding boss, your kids, your dinner, the laundry, and everything else in between. Then out of the blue, this guy in a pickup truck cut you off and gave you "the finger". What's worse you bumped into the driver in front of you from trying to avoid the pickup. Of all days to get into an accident, it happened on a seemingly good day and on a slow moving traffic-all because of a rude, aggressive driver.
This can happen to anyone, even experienced, professional drivers. Accidents happen and no one is exempted from it. So, even if you think you are a good driver, there are still ways you can do to become a better driver. Here are they:
1. Be an observer. When you are behind the wheel, don't just sit there and focus on what's ahead of you. Use your eyes to scan what's on your side and behind you as well. Be wary of the road signs and check your blind spot before changing lanes.
2. Treat everyone on the road as inept. Whenever you are on the road, don't assume too much. Never assume that all motorists know what they are doing. This way, you will be more defensive in driving and cautious of your maneuver. When nearing intersections and stop lights, always look for drivers who may be running the red light and changing lanes frequently.
3. Keep your distance. Even if you're in a hurry, don't drive too closely with the vehicle in front of you. Always give room to be able to stop safely. If the weather is bad, it's especially important to maintain distance with the other motorists. The more space you leave between you and the other driver, the safer you will be on the road.
4. Buckle up. Even if you're just going for a drive to the grocery store or taking a cruise to your friend's house, don't forget to use your seat belt. Make sure that you are buckled correctly to get enough protection in case you get into a collision. Remind everyone in the car to buckle up as well before leaving.
5. Signal when changing lanes, turning, or parking. Your car lights are not there for decoration. They have a purpose and that is to light your path and signal drivers of your driving intention. Making use of these lights will surely keep you safe on the road always.
6. Don't be rude. Rudeness won't do you any good on the road. If someone cuts you off or challenges you on the road, ignore them. Always keep your emotions in control and you'll surely keep yourself safe on the road.
Keep in mind that being a good driver is not enough to drive safely. You need to be better and more defensive in driving to travel safely on today's busy roads.