Travel & Places Air Travel

8 Tips to Lessen the Fear of Flying - Air Travel Can Be a Pleasant Experience

"Phobias do not control.
But there are still ways to try to stop it.
" Just a few weeks ago, one tragic event shook the world: an Air France plane was lost in the Atlantic and all its occupants died.
This plane crash occurred between Rio de Janeiro and Paris may rekindle fears of the plane felt by many travelers.
Rather than seeing this as inevitable phobia, it is better to try to fight against this fear.
Fear of flying or aerophobia is an anxiety disorder.
It is very common disorder as two out of three passengers show various physical symptoms while traveling in air travel.
It affects even young children and adolescents, but is more common in those who pass the middle stage of life, i.
between 40 and 55 years.
It is very common phobia in business executives and professionals.
Women who are mothers are also more likely to suffer.
Each year, more than two billion people use to travel by the air.
About 25 to 30 million people move every year, there are only a few dozens of accidents.
The year 2007 has been the safest years since 1963, with 136 air crashes (50 lines charters or regular) and less than 1,000 dead.
To believe the statistics, domestic flights would be "dangerous" than the internationals.
Africa is the continent that is most affected, with 25 to 30% of accidents, while it accounts for just 4.
5% of aircraft movements.
Tips to alleviate the fear of air traveling 1.
The fear of flying is an evil that is treated very well, if we take it very early.
If the trip is scheduled in advance, then experts advice to participate in counseling courses, which is the only truly effective way to get rid of this fear.
Try to meet with pilot and crew to talk about their professional work.
During the flight, it is necessary to avoid taking of alcohol or sedatives that have superficial effect.
Stress is one factor that counts a lot to aerophobia and since it decrease mental strength and defense mechanism of body.
Don't look through the window, which is accentuated and added fear.
You can practice breathing and relaxation exercises.
If possible, try to talk during the trip, bring a relaxed atmosphere.
If you travel with a known person, then it is even better because you feel more comfortable to travel together.
You can bring something to distract you, such as books, magazines or listen to the music you like.
We must not forget the diseases that might have added to travel phobia.
These Diseases Include: - Allergies or intolerances to foods or drugs.
(Penicillin allergy, lactose intolerance).
Drug use (alcohol, cocaine, synthetic drugs ...
) - Pregnancy or intention in 2 or 3 months after the trip.
- Epilepsy.
- Hypertension and / or cardiac pathology.
- Infection or antibiotic treatment.
- Depression - Frequent insomnia - Irregular menstruation - Migraine - Psoriasis - Mood disorders (anxiety, depression, stress ...
) - Ulcer - Dizziness

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