Travel & Places Outdoors

Binoculars Buying Guide

As the word suggests, bin-ocular, this instrument has mirrors aligned side by side in an identical manner, to help someone view a distant object.
Most of the models are comparatively smaller than their mono-ocular counterparts and can be handheld except for a few which needed to be mounted.
Since both eyes can be used, the image that is seen is three-dimensional and gives you a perception about depth and distance.
How clearly you see the distant object depends on what magnification you have on you binoculars.
Typically, magnification is represented by two numbers; example "7 x 50", where 7 is the number of times closer you could see the object and 50 is the diametre of the front lens and this is in millimetres.
Binoculars with higher magnification are difficult to handle using your hands as the image that you see is largely distracted by the handshake produced.
So the optimum range of magnification is from 6 to 8.
However, there are instruments with variable magnification are available in the market in which you can set the magnification rather than the fixed magnification.
Diametre of the front lens contributes to the brightness of the image that is seen and this is measured through "exit pupil".
Exit pupil is technically the amount of the light that could pass through the binocular and reach your pupil and this is calculated dividing the magnification with the diametre of the front lens.
Pupil of an adult can expand up to 7 mm and is normally in 3-5 mm range.
Binocular with loss exit pupil level limit the light that is reaching your eyes and sometimes the image is far dimmer than the normal vision when the natural light is not bright.
Field of view is the range that is seen through the binoculars and is measured in degrees.
Binoculars with higher field of view cover more area.
This becomes important when you are bird watching or following a racecar.
Binoculars come with two types of alignment.
One is the "independent" alignment wherein you will have to manually align each of the eyepieces and focus it on the object you are trying to see.
Second is the central alignment in which there is one adjustment knob that focuses both the eyepieces.
When you are more enthusiastic to go to hunting, watch the sky during the night, watch a sport or travel, binoculars come very handy.
Look out for "waterproof", "fog proof" tag in the binoculars and the quality of the lens that are used in them as these factors increase the life of binoculars.

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