Home & Garden Personal Safety & Security

Fake Security Cameras! Do They Provide The Due Security?

You hear about it all the time - people bragging about the fake security camera that saved a bundle as does the work of a good home security system.
Well, think again.
The myth of fake security cameras should be shattered once and for all.
The truth is that cameras do not prevent crime.
The fear of getting caught prevents crime.
Security cameras are useful to identify and catch criminals, not to frighten them away.
A fake security camera provides nothing but a false sense of security.
It certainly can't help law enforcement arrest and prosecute someone one's who's violated your privacy, property, and possessions! A good home security system that uses cameras uses HIDDEN cameras that can't be tampered with or blocked.
Fake security cameras are easy to identify because they're out in the open.
The bottom line: fake security cameras are a waste of good money.
In fact, most would-be criminals don't care about security cameras.
They know it's easy to change identifying clothing or use masks.
They know not to look at the security camera and to hide their face from easy view.
They also know about the significant time gap between the crime and the response.
They'll have time to get away and change clothes before the police show up.
So cameras, whether real or fake, are not the important assets for a security system.
Fake cameras are about as good as a stand-up picture of a cop! If you've been thinking about using fake cameras to help protect your home or business, it's time to revise your plan.
Functional cameras are inexpensive and easy to install.
Connecting them to a video monitor and VCR to record crimes when they happen is the best way to assure the criminal gets caught.
Especially when you consider that a fake security camera is a waste of money in the first place, it's well worth the expense to set up a real security system with real security cameras.
There is one situation in which a fake camera may influence or deter crime - crimes of opportunity like shop-lifting.
These impromptu crimes are usually committed by inexperienced want to' be thieves.
They don't understand the way security systems work, and the believe a camera is a sure way to get caught and end in jail.
So, a fake security camera may prevent petty crimes.
But is it worth the risk? Our advice is to truly protect your person and property by using reliable common-sense security measures and real security systems for your home or business.
Fake security cameras may sound like a good idea, but criminals know better.
The false security of a fake security camera is very false.
It may make you overly-confident and open your home or business to tragedy.
No matter how realistic or expensive a fake security looks, it is still a fake camera.
The truth is, you get what you pay for.
If you think you can save a bundle by using a fake security camera, you're likely to lose a bundle when you get robbed.
It won't deter anyone but the bothersome petty thief, it won't help catch or prosecute real criminals, and it most certainly won't substitute for a real business or home security system.

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