Business & Finance Social Media

Tweeting For Business is a Must

Twitter is an interesting concept for business; sign up now and become a follower.
By becoming a follower you can actually become a leader as you pay attention to what others are saying.
If you don't believe this you really need to sign on to Twitter and learn about following, followers and lists.
Twitter Basics Twitter is a Networking tool - Shameless marketing and advertising is not welcome here, but you can keep followers updated on new info.
More importantly your followers have the ability to let you know what their likes and dislikes are and what is important to them.
This two way tweet capability can help engage potential customers and direct people to your website as long as you follow Twitter's promotion rules.
Stay up on the latest in a market segment - Use the Twitter Search feature to find out what people are saying about a particular topic.
Using the Twitter search helps position you and your company to be able to respond to what people are saying.
By communicating with other Twitters you can even help define your business brand by asking questions.
Communication at its fastest - As your Twitter followers grow, this format is a quick and easy way to get a message out.
Instant tweets to follower's phones let them know about special deals, upcoming events and other announcements.
don't sell, just communicate.
Twitter Tips: Write a Profile Bio - This is an important first step if you want to develop followers.
Tweet Frequently - With only 140 characters per tweet be short and unique.
Don't limit use to once a day unless you don't have anything to post, but don't spam either.
Use Share Buttons - When you find something worthwhile, post the link to Twitter.
Almost all websites utilize buttons for sharing.
Say what you want - Don't be afraid to state your opinion, but don't be offensive.
Even people that don't agree with your tweet will often follow you might even become clients.
Ask Questions - Twitter is a two way communication, use it as such.
The responses you receive will give you a reading on your followers and potential clients.
Recommend Others to Follow - Twitter is a communication network and you can help others find interesting tweets and info.
Twitter doesn't replace other social media site or even your company website.
However, it does compliment and support your internet presence.
By Tweeting you are communicating that you are serious about your business and keeping up in today's market.
In other words you are a forward moving company!

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