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How to Get Squirrels to Keep Out of Crawl Spaces

    • 1). Attempt to naturally manage the squirrels before using more extensive control methods. Remove any debris or brush piles near the crawl space door and other outdoor access points to make the location less attractive to squirrels. Squirrels use piles of debris for protection against predators.

    • 2). Sprinkle fox urine granules liberally on the ground around the crawl space door or other access points the squirrels are using to enter the crawl space. Since foxes are predators of squirrels, the odor of fox urine scares them away.

    • 3). Inspect the crawl space for squirrels daily for two weeks. If the fox urine granules are successfully repelling the squirrels, continue using the deterrent weekly to manage the squirrels. Otherwise, consider placing live squirrel traps around the crawl space door and other access points if the deterrent is not working. Before trapping a persistent squirrel, obtain a trapping permit from your local government agency.

    • 4). Select a live trap large enough for the squirrel to comfortably fit in. Since traps vary, carefully follow the trap’s specific instruction guide to properly bait and set up the trap. Apply 1 tablespoon of crunchy peanut butter to the trap’s trip lever to attract the squirrel. Wear work gloves when handling the trap.

    • 5). Place the baited trap on a flat, stable surface near the crawl space door or area squirrels typically use to access the crawl space. Set the trap at dawn when squirrels typically search for food. Wait for a squirrel to access the trap.

    • 6). Relocate the trapped squirrel immediately at least three miles from your home in a natural habitat with plenty of shelter, water and food for the squirrel. Free the squirrel from the trap without touching the rodent.

    • 7). Spray the empty trap with a household cleaner to eliminate the squirrel’s scent and germs. Wipe the trap with a cleaning rag.

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