Insurance Renters Insurance

California Home Insurance - Why You Should Shop Around

The home insurance world in California just changed with the news that a major insurer will no longer offer California homeowners insurance.
Will this make other home insurance companies more competitive? If you're a home owner in the Golden State, now might be a good time to shop around.
The insurer cited the exposure to risks such as earthquakes and wildfires as the reason they are no longer offering homeowner insurance in the state.
According to a May 11, 2007 USA Today article, several other major insurance companies have cut prices in California.
The fact that they may now be competing for the sudden new business could mean that you could save money on your home insurance by shopping.
Home insurance rates are going to vary quite a bit from company to company, so you want to get several -- at least three -- different quotes for comparison.
To get the most accurate comparison quotes, provide the same information about coverages and deductibles to each company or agent providing you a quote.
Shopping on the Internet is one of the easiest and fastest ways to get comparison home owner insurance quotes.
You can check several different insurance company Web sites and request a quote from each, or even easier, go to a comparison Web site.
A comparison insurance Web site allows you to enter your information once and then provides quotes from different companies back.
While you're at it, make sure you're taking advantage of discounts.
For example, you can often save 5% or more just by getting a second policy -- like an auto insurance policy -- with the same company that insures your home.
You may also get discounts for upgrading your plumbing and electrical and installing a fire and burglar alarm system.
And think about raising your deductible as another way to save money.

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