Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

Breast Implant Repositioning

Before having any surgery each patient is informed about the risks associated with the procedures they are having done. In fact, they must sign a release stating that they are aware of the risks, and release the doctors and facility of any liability should those risks become fact. Rare is the person who would agree to an elective surgery if they truly believed that they would be one of those to actually experience any of those risks. But, someone, eventually, will experience one of those risks. With breast implant surgery, one of the risks is that an implant may shift, requiring breast implant repositioning.

While repositioning a breast implant is not as extensive a procedure as the original breast implant surgery, it is a surgical procedure. As such, it requires a woman to plan at least one day for surgery and additional time for full recovery.

What Breast Implant Repositioning Involves

Breast implant repositioning involves surgically accessing the pocket where the implant was originally placed, and repositioning the implant. The pocket may need to be enlarged to move the implant to the proper position, or merely closed up to prevent the implant from shifting into a specific area.

Surgery to reposition an implant might also include implanting a harness to help keep the implant from causing the breast to sag.

Your cosmetic surgeon may decide that your implant would be more stable if placed submuscularly, especially if it had originally been a subglandular placement.

What Causes the Implant to Shift Position?

There are a number of reasons why an implant will shift position. The weight of the implant can cause it to shift, gradually from its original placement, but more often breast implant shifting results from sagging. Sagging occurs over time and with aging. But it can also occur after breast-feeding an infant, pregnancy, significant weight loss and any condition where the skin loses elasticity.

Preventing Breast Implants from Shifting Position

One of the simplest ways to prevent your implants from shifting is to practice proper breast implant massage techniques on a regular basis. Breast implant massage takes about 30 minutes a day and is best done in a warm shower. Not only does massage help keep your implants in their original position but massage helps prevent capsular contracture, a condition in which scar tissue forms around the implant, hardening it.

If you have been considering breast implant repositioning and would like to know more about breast implant repositioning in the Denver, Colorado area, please visit the website of cosmetic surgeon David R. Broadway, M.D., F.A.C.S. today.

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