Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

The Connection Between Sinusitis and Your Ears

The medical definition for sinusitis is an infection in one or more of the sinus cavities.
Sinusitis, which may also be called a sinus infection, is when an infection affects the air-filled spaces that are located within the bones in and around the nose.
Another name for these spaces is the paranasal sinuses and when they get infected, they become inflamed.
This leads to a swelling of the mucus membranes that cover the sinuses and cause pain and pressure in and around the eyes and cheekbones.
In most cases, viral infections have the ability to weaken the cilia to a dangerous point; however, if the condition is left untreated, they may in fact become completely destroyed by the infection.
This can even occur when the cilium does not have the ability to move the mucus out of the nose on its own, and in this case, the virus remains in the cilia and in the sinus area.
After participating in activities that involve water, such as swimming or bathing, water accumulates in the ears and if it is not removed quickly, it sinks into the Eustachian tube.
Due to the slight angle on the Eustachian tube, the water will slide down a little bit, however, it will often just settle where it is, in the middle of the tube.
As you may know, moist conditions are very inviting for bacteria and infections to grow.
Sinusitis is caused by an inflamed sinus cavity; similarly, an ear infection can also be caused which will cause a swelling that will prevent further drainage.
Ear aches, headaches and dizziness are only some of the possible symptoms of an ear infection.
Tomato tea is one of the best formulas for curing sinusitis.
Tomatoes are great for staving off infections as they are packed with strong ingredients and top quality anti inflammatory herbs.
Eucalyptus is another great herbal remedy for sinusitis.
This is a fragrant herb that soothes sore throats.
Aside from these features, it also has great antiseptic qualities which can help shrink swollen tissues, such as those that cause sinusitis and sinus infections.
It is readily available in throat lozenges, which makes it easier and more convenient to take.
The eucalyptus herb can also be made into tea, providing a more relaxing alternative to throat lozenges.
It is very good idea to steep some eucalyptus in a large pot of boiling water and use as an inhalant to clear out nasal passages.

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