Health & Medical Women's Health

What Are Fibroids?

WHAT ARE FIBROIDS? These are benign tumors (swellings) of smooth muscles of the uterus (womb).
How Common Are Fibroids? * Fibroids are present in 20-25% reproductive age women.
* 3-9 times more frequent in black than white women.
* 50% of black women of age 50 years have fibroids.
Therefore fibroids are common.
Are Fibroids Cancer (malignant)? Fibroids are not cancerous but very rarely 0.
1 - 0.
5% can transform into cancer.
How Big Can The Fibroid Grow? * Majority are small.
* Larger ones of over 15cm can be present.
* They occur singly or multiples.
* They occupy any part of uterus.
What Are The Symptoms Of Fibroids * Over 50% have no symptoms * Abnormal vaginal bleeding is common and most important.
Present in 30% of cases.
* Prolonged heavy menses.
* Before and after menses spotting.
* Fibroids only cause pain rarely when complications occur.
* Fibroids can rarely cause backache.
* When large they cause a pressure effect on surrounding organs.
* Fibroids are rare cause of infertility (failure to conceive) but are common in women with few children.
* Spontaneous miscarriage (abortion) may occur more frequently in presence of fibroid.
What Causes Fibroid? * The cause of fibroid is not known.
* They are common in women with few children.
* They are common in black women.
* The fibroids reduce in size after menopause therefore they are dependent on female hormones for their growth.
DIAGNOSIS * Majority are discovered accidentally on routine gynecology examination.
* Fibroids are present as enlargement of uterus.
* Suspicion of fibroid, ultrasound scan will be done to confirm diagnosis.
TREATMENT * Treatment of fibroids is by surgical removal.
* Majority don't need operation.
* One type of operation is called myomectomy where fibroids are removed and uterus preserved.
* The other type of operation is called hysterectomy where the uterus is removed with fibroid.
* Decision on which operation depends on factors like age, desired future pregnancies, fibroid size and symptoms.
* Inject able monthly treatments are available but reduce the fibroid size and not eliminate them.
PREGNANCY & FIBROID Pregnancy can occur together with fibroid but can be carried to term and have normal delivery.

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