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    • 1). If you have never sold anything on eBay , you will have to register. It is easy , just go onto eBay & hit the register button & follow the prompts that come up on the screen.
      Then do the same with PAYPAL.
      Both are free to register.
      If your already selling on eBay & want to increase you sales here are a few things that I have found that help my sales.

      Just to let you know that EBay can be a strange place when it come to why or why not something sold OR why someone's item sold for BIG BUCKS & your exact same item didn't get any bids. Remember you are dealing with PEOPLE here & people don't always make smart or rational desisions. I have found that there is sometimes no reason why an item sold or didn't sell. You can spend hours trying to figure it out , I did & I can tell you don't waist your time trying to figure it out, because it is a waist of time.
      These are just my observation on my sales over the last 8 years. I hope they help you

    • 2). #1 PHOTOS
      A)The better your photos are the more people will fell comfortable enough to bid on your item.
      B) Put more than one photo in the auction . I alway put 5 or 6 photo from different angles. So the buyer can see the condition & see any defects in the item if there are any.
      C) ALWAY use the GALLERY feature so a small photo shows up when buyers do a general search. If there are a lot of similar items on ebay & there is no gallery photo , most people will not even click on your item. If they don't look then they can't buy your item.

      A) Keep you description as simple as you can , Give all the details & condition of the item, but don't make it to long.

      B)Break you description up. Don't make it one long paragraph , details & condition of the item can be hard to fine in a long wordy description

      C) Highlight or underline the important details of your item. If buyers have to search for size , condition or any detail about the item, they are more likely to just move on to the next item.

    • 4). * TITLE
      * A) Only use word / KEYWORDS that might be use in a SEARCH. You only have 55 characters / letter to get your item to come up in a search, it may sound like a lot but I run out of room all the time in the title of my auctions.
      * B) Don't use words like LOOK L@@K WOW SALE AWSOME in the title, Buyers don't type those words in when they do a eBay search.
      * C) You title doesn't have to be gramaticlly correct. It should make a little sence but try to only use keywords , like brand names , size , color , year it was made ect.

    • 5). PRICE
      A) If it's an acuction. Start the bidding price LOW. The lower you start the bid at the cheaper the listinmg fee will be. Use a reserve if you want to get a minimum price for your item but don't set it to high, An item is only going to sell for what it sell for , No matter what you think it is worth, Forget appraised price or book value. Those are for insurance reasons & have nothing to do with what someone is willing to pay for it on eBay.

      B)RESERVES , I hate reserves on an auction , but some people use them a lot , I feel if I haven't hit the reserve price after a few bids I move on to another item ( But that's jus me)

      C)BUY IT NOW , If you are selling an item and there are a lot of simalar items already listed , Go with a BUY IT NOW , Research what the lowest BUY IT NOW price is & under cut it a little.
      Using BUY IT NOW with a low pric e is the fastest way to sell an item.

      D) REASERCH. Do your research on current & completed auction on eBay. If items like yours aren't selling DON"T LIST IT , it is a waste of money.

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