Business & Finance Careers & Employment

How Much Does a Part-Time Phlebotomist Make an Hour?


    • According to the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics, phlebotomists in 2007 earned an average hourly wage of $12.50. By 2009, the hourly average had increased to $12.84.


    • Where a phlebotomist works affects his salary. For example, a full-time phlebotomist in Georgia earned an average of $22,949 to $31,642 in 2007, compared to $29,176 to $40,000 in New York.


    • Years of experience also affect the amount a phlebotomist earns. A novice entering the field can expect $9.75 to $12.50 an hour, while a tech with five years' experience can earn $11.40 to $14.75 an hour. Pay also depends on the type of employer, with private physicians' offices paying the least, hospitals paying more, and government agencies paying the most on average.

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