Goal Setting Tips - The Importance of Writing Goals in Your Home-Based Business
It has been said that a goal is just a dream if you fail to write it down.
In general, most people accept that they need to write their goals as it's only too easy to get side-tracked, or to lose sight of what your goals are and what you're working towards.
Many entrepreneurs struggle with the idea that they need to implement goal setting and this often requires a change in their mindset.
To the extent that they are willing to accept this as a fact and make the necessary changes is the extent to which they will see success in their home-based business, especially if this business is online.
A further challenge for many home-based business owners is that while they may recognize the importance of writing goals, they do not know how to write them effectively.
The first step is to decide what the goal is, what details will be involved, which would include the time allotted, current status, where you'd like to be in the short term, as well as in the long term.
You also have to take into consideration any external factors that may affect the outcome.
Once these have been determined, you are ready to transfer you thoughts to paper or your computer.
Using paper may be considered the old-fashioned way, but it's also effective for many.
Other persons may find transferring their thoughts to a story-board or a mindmap more effective.
The strategy is for you to decide on but the objective is to transfer your goal from your mind to a visible element.
Always write your goals in positive language.
For example, instead of: My goal is to lose 10 pounds in one month; you may consider: My goal is to be 10 pounds lighter at the end of one month.
Or, instead of: My goal is to stop procrastinating; you may write: My goal is complete tasks promptly in order of priority.
Ensure that you include as many details as possible.
Include the why - the reason for the goal; how - the steps you will take to achieve the goal; when - the timeframe to complete the goal and intervals for checking that you're on track; who - if your goal is dependent on the input of others this should be included.
Be honest with yourselfand be realistic.
This takes into consideration your ability, the time you can give to achieving the goal keeping in mind any other obligations you may have.
You may find that after an honest evaluation of your circumstances you may have to give yourself extra time.
It's best to do this evaluation before you start so that your motivation is not lost further down the road.
You've understood the importance of writing your goals, what next? Whichever format you may have opted for to write your goals, you now want to make several copies of your goal chart and keep them in strategic locations in your home office or other parts of your home in order to be reminded of them on a daily basis.
This is a key step because as a home-based business owner one of the disadvantages of working from home is that you are likely surrounded by many distractions and only by having the goals you've put in writing clearly visible to serve as daily reminders, are you likely to remain focused on seeing them through to their completion.
In general, most people accept that they need to write their goals as it's only too easy to get side-tracked, or to lose sight of what your goals are and what you're working towards.
Many entrepreneurs struggle with the idea that they need to implement goal setting and this often requires a change in their mindset.
To the extent that they are willing to accept this as a fact and make the necessary changes is the extent to which they will see success in their home-based business, especially if this business is online.
A further challenge for many home-based business owners is that while they may recognize the importance of writing goals, they do not know how to write them effectively.
The first step is to decide what the goal is, what details will be involved, which would include the time allotted, current status, where you'd like to be in the short term, as well as in the long term.
You also have to take into consideration any external factors that may affect the outcome.
Once these have been determined, you are ready to transfer you thoughts to paper or your computer.
Using paper may be considered the old-fashioned way, but it's also effective for many.
Other persons may find transferring their thoughts to a story-board or a mindmap more effective.
The strategy is for you to decide on but the objective is to transfer your goal from your mind to a visible element.
Always write your goals in positive language.
For example, instead of: My goal is to lose 10 pounds in one month; you may consider: My goal is to be 10 pounds lighter at the end of one month.
Or, instead of: My goal is to stop procrastinating; you may write: My goal is complete tasks promptly in order of priority.
Ensure that you include as many details as possible.
Include the why - the reason for the goal; how - the steps you will take to achieve the goal; when - the timeframe to complete the goal and intervals for checking that you're on track; who - if your goal is dependent on the input of others this should be included.
Be honest with yourselfand be realistic.
This takes into consideration your ability, the time you can give to achieving the goal keeping in mind any other obligations you may have.
You may find that after an honest evaluation of your circumstances you may have to give yourself extra time.
It's best to do this evaluation before you start so that your motivation is not lost further down the road.
You've understood the importance of writing your goals, what next? Whichever format you may have opted for to write your goals, you now want to make several copies of your goal chart and keep them in strategic locations in your home office or other parts of your home in order to be reminded of them on a daily basis.
This is a key step because as a home-based business owner one of the disadvantages of working from home is that you are likely surrounded by many distractions and only by having the goals you've put in writing clearly visible to serve as daily reminders, are you likely to remain focused on seeing them through to their completion.