Home & Garden Swimming Pools & Water Fountains & Ponds

Setting Up Your Hot Tub For The First Time

Okay so you have finally made the decision to buy your first hot tub, but you will need to consider several key things before you set it up.
Firstly you should budget for around half a day to a day to get it in to place.
Even a small acrylic tub can weigh far more than four people can lift, particularly if you need to go up or down steps or lift it over anything like a fence.
A larger acrylic tub will need mechanical aid to get it into place, and this can range from a simple forklift aiding things, if you have access for one, through to a crane being needed to lift the hot tub into place.
You will need to ensure where you are placing it, is on level ground and has easy access to power (Which you will need permanently connected) and water to fill it with.
Allow around two hours for a qualified electrician to connect up your spa.
You will then need to fill it with water, and whilst this will depend on the size of the tub obviously, ideally budget for around a day to fill it up.
Never leave it filling overnight, as if you do, overfilling and flooding is likely to be the end result.
Then you will need to allow a day to heat up the water, although this can be done as it is filling up in most instances.
This means that if you are planning a spa party for your first tub, you should not plan one for at least three days, and ideally not for a week just so that you can get used to your tubs set up before inviting people around.

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