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Adcenter addin for Excel 2007: Keyword Research Tool

Launched this November is the keyword research tool by Microsoft which is still in Beta version is a new platform of integrating tools with Excel which offers an interactive stage for search engine marketers. It was introduced at the Search Marketing Expo in London. It gives prospective search engine analysts the opportunity to build the search engine marketing and the related campaigns. The kind of information it offers is like the getting us the cost history, relevance of the keyword, geographic and demographic data and more of the kind.

The features offered by this keyword tool are keyword extraction which extracts commonly used keywords from given website address and allows users to see what the popular keywords are.

There is Keyword Suggestion which enables a huge list of related keywords from the initial list of the entered keywords.

Search Buzz is the feature which returns the top keywords by the vertical market.

Monthly traffic and daily traffic is also provided which helps us to know the forecasted query counts for the given keywords.

It also provides the keyword categorization facet which helps in suggesting category for the keywords which have been entered.

There is monetizing information provided which would include clicks, impressions, position, click through rate, cost per click and match type.
For implementation of AdCenter add-on in your Excel 2007, you have to the following:

Firstly, download the Microsoft Office 2007 trial feature. Next download the adCenter Add in (Beta Version) and finally Read the tutorials provided on the Microsoft official website for more information regarding the same. Also you will require along with it the adCenter Login and internet access.

All this is for free. So why not test it if you already have Excel 2007 on your system.
This feature would enable you to build out keywords and expand your keyword list. It would also enable you to have an effective plan for the keyword strategy on the basis of their relevance, cost history, demographics and many more parameters. Not just this, you can also forecast the keyword impressions- monthly and daily and the future trends.

It would be useful from an SEO and copywriting perspective.

adCenter Add-in(Beta Version) will help you to research the keywords which will target the apt audience and converting them into your loyal customers.

Although the thing that should be kept in mind would be, the data which is there before you for the keyword research would be on the basis of Live Search only. This would be the only con when we are discussing this feature, because the market is ruled by Google. For example, if we consider Netherlands then 93% of the search is dominated by Google. This certainly questions about the authenticity of the information provided by the tool but nonetheless it is worth a try.

Such initiative by Microsoft might turn out to be handy making work easier for marketers and making the entire keyword research process and search engine marketing cake walk. In the Microsoft Excel 2007, on installing this add-in, we will get a tab on our Excel by the name of "Ad Intelligence" which would lead us to the further process of the keyword research.

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