Travel & Places Vacation Homes/Time-Shares

The Benefits of a Timeshare Tour For Theme Park Tickets

So you and the family are heading to Orlando, Florida soon.
You have your accommodations established.
The suite wasn't too bad cost wise; now to get a price on the theme park tickets.
Wow! They want how much for a 3 day Disney World ticket? It is going to cost us how much for a couple of days at the Universal Orlando resort? Sea World Florida now has a new roller coaster and the kids want to ride it; it just now came out this week.
What to do? Well, you have seen the ads for cheap Disney World or Universal Studios tickets by doing a timeshare tour.
The savings are substantial but will we have time to do it? The kids are older and may stay back at the room.
They have day care so we could take the youngest one with us and go in there and get some cheap tickets.
What to expect? You will have breakfast with a rep who will then tour you around the facility and show you the villa.
There is no cost or obligation but do you like being sold to? If you are a strong individual, then you shouldn't have a problem with previewing their product.
Besides, it is always about the money anyway.
If timeshares were dirt cheap, everyone would have one.
The tour is 90 to 120 minutes after the breakfast depending upon your interest and your ability (if you are not that interested) to get in and out of there with the tickets.
You will see a nice property and the resort will do its best to get you into a week of timeshare if they can.
Currently there is not discount on a 1 or 2  day Disney World ticket except to look at a timeshare.
  Some places will give you 2 tickets for $30, saving you $150.
  That works out to $100/hour for 90 minutes of your time.
  If you have the time to go in there and do it, you will realize a saving.

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