Travel & Places Travel Knowledge

Learn about Florida Weather conditions when Organizing Your Getaway

Should you be taking a trip to Florida, understanding what the climate is going to be like will be an extremely important for a successful escape.  Like the majority of North America the weather is usually rather unpredictable, nevertheless it definitely has patterns that should give strong indications even when you plan months earlier.  It is no secret that it will be hot and humid in the course of the summertime, but judging by just how many people dress during the winter when going to the parks, they apparently do not know it can get quite cool during that time of year.  Northern and central Florida can get cold during the winter season.

When considering what sort of weather you will confront on your Florida vacation, remember that the state extends north and south for over 500 miles.  With most of Florida also being touched by maritime conditions, you will find enormous differences in atmospheric condition all through the state.  North and central Florida stretching south to the Orlando/Tampa vicinity is considered humid subtropical.   South Florida alternatively has a tropical climate.  This means that temperatures will remain quite consistent throughout the year and differences due to the season are going to be dominated by precipitation.

The traveling months of June through September are also the rainy months.  They will lead straight into the hurricane season of August through October, which definitely change from year to year.  When setting up your vacation hurricanes will not be a contributing factor to stay clear of Florida during the summer season in my opinion.  There is certainly no way for accurately predicting long-term when or where a hurricane might strike, and except when you're going there with a last minute trip the probability of being affected by a hurricane on vacation is minor.  At any time you are in Florida and there is a threat, with weather forecasting the way it is you should have plenty of time to contend with volatile conditions.

The thing you've got to be very aware of within Florida, particularly when spending time outside on the beach, golf course or amusement parks is the risk of lightning.  Florida reports more thunderstorms compared to any other state and has the highest density of lightning strikes in the country.  There are numerous deaths every year from lightning strikes, then they will frequently come with hardly any warning.  They could crop up any time during the whole year, however are most prevalent in the summer months.

It really is interesting to make note of, however, that since 1992 despite having the exploding population in Florida deaths from lightning strikes have been slowly dropping.  That's most likely due to superior awareness with risks with lightning and much better warnings to the public when lightning is possible.  But it really is up to people to properly respond to these warning indicators, so if you are coming to Florida you need to be extremely alert to how risky lightning becomes.

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