Love|poems For Her
How to write an amazing love poem.
Be brave. Don't go halfway on telling this person how you feel - be prepared to let yourself be vulnerable. Always tell the truth, for your poem will be more genuine if you don't hold back.
Brainstorm. As fast as you can, write out how you feel about this person, what happened the first time you saw him or her, when you fell in love, how you feel about the future, and whatever else comes to mind. Anything that you love for that specific person, and just keep thinking and writing. Don't stop to analyze or critique what you've written - just keep going. Write out a page or two, so you have plenty of material to use in your poem.
Use parts of your relationship to structure the poem. If you're struggling to come up with a format or ideas, try this. Section a piece of paper into three parts: How We Met, How I Know I Love You, and What I Want for Us in the Future. Fill in as much as you can about these topics. Later on, use them to structure your poem - that is, the first part will be about how you met, and so on.
Pull out the ideas you like. Look over your brainstorming and identify any phrases, words or thoughts that stand out to you. Collect these on a separate page, and put them in an order that makes sense. Play with your fragments by combining them into sentences and joining up similar thoughts, until you have a coherent prose paragraph.
Make your writing stronger. Now that you have a draft to work with, try a few of these tweaks to make your words seem more urgent and vivid:.
Remove adverbs. Adverbs ("very" and words that end in "-ly") weaken your writing, because they're shortcuts that jam verbs (action words) and adjectives (descriptors) together. Instead of saying "You're very pretty" try "You're gorgeous;" instead of "I really love you," try "I adore you." And so on.
Avoid "purple prose". Prose turns metaphorically purple when it's too flowery or sentimental. (For a good literary example, see Edgar Allen Poe's love poems.) Some people love purple prose; others find it off-putting and a sure sign of bad writing and phony emotions. You can avoid it by not stringing too many adjectives together (for instance, don't harp on your beloved's "beautiful, pearly, brilliant smile" - instead, note her "radiant smile"), and resist the urge to make all of your words bigger with the help of a thesaurus. Remember the old adage: "Don't use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent one will do.".
Steer clear of clichA.
A clichA is a phrase that's overused, even though it might describe something in a way that makes sense. Some examples are "I love you more than life itself" or "I fell head over heels for him." If your paragraph contains a phrase that you've heard a lot of other people use, try to reword it in a genuine way.
Use sensory descriptors. Make your writing more immediate by including sensory detail that will make the reader feel like he or she is experiencing the event again. For example, instead of saying "Your hair smelled amazing," say "Your hair smelled like citrus and vanilla.".
Choose a metaphor (optional). If you feel up to it, you can try to find a compelling metaphor for how you feel about this person. A metaphor can help you express your feelings in a unique and fresh way, and make your love poem extra individualized. For examples, see Shakespeare's sonnets or some of Emily Dickinson's poetry.
Read your work aloud. As you do that, try these things:.
Listen for anything that sounds "off" and make a note of it. Come back later and rework it so that you're satisfied.
Notice where you naturally pause as you read. Every time you pause for longer than a half-second, make a small note between the words (such as a star or tick mark).
Rewrite the paragraph, placing line breaks wherever you paused. Every time you made a mark for pausing, move to a new line. Your poem might not rhyme, but remember that not all poems must rhyme - in fact, non-rhyming poems can sometimes be more moving.
Keep editing the poem until you're satisfied. You can edit your poem endlessly if you want to, but you'll have to stop at some point if you want to give it to the person you love. Keep working with it until you're satisfied that it expresses your true feelings.
Refine the presentation (optional). For an extra romantic touch, type out the poem in a nice font, or use your best handwriting to put it on a quality piece of paper. Tie it with a ribbon or put it in a special envelope, or even have it framed. Paying a little extra attention to presentation turns your poem into a treasured memento.
Be brave. Don't go halfway on telling this person how you feel - be prepared to let yourself be vulnerable. Always tell the truth, for your poem will be more genuine if you don't hold back.
Brainstorm. As fast as you can, write out how you feel about this person, what happened the first time you saw him or her, when you fell in love, how you feel about the future, and whatever else comes to mind. Anything that you love for that specific person, and just keep thinking and writing. Don't stop to analyze or critique what you've written - just keep going. Write out a page or two, so you have plenty of material to use in your poem.
Use parts of your relationship to structure the poem. If you're struggling to come up with a format or ideas, try this. Section a piece of paper into three parts: How We Met, How I Know I Love You, and What I Want for Us in the Future. Fill in as much as you can about these topics. Later on, use them to structure your poem - that is, the first part will be about how you met, and so on.
Pull out the ideas you like. Look over your brainstorming and identify any phrases, words or thoughts that stand out to you. Collect these on a separate page, and put them in an order that makes sense. Play with your fragments by combining them into sentences and joining up similar thoughts, until you have a coherent prose paragraph.
Make your writing stronger. Now that you have a draft to work with, try a few of these tweaks to make your words seem more urgent and vivid:.
Remove adverbs. Adverbs ("very" and words that end in "-ly") weaken your writing, because they're shortcuts that jam verbs (action words) and adjectives (descriptors) together. Instead of saying "You're very pretty" try "You're gorgeous;" instead of "I really love you," try "I adore you." And so on.
Avoid "purple prose". Prose turns metaphorically purple when it's too flowery or sentimental. (For a good literary example, see Edgar Allen Poe's love poems.) Some people love purple prose; others find it off-putting and a sure sign of bad writing and phony emotions. You can avoid it by not stringing too many adjectives together (for instance, don't harp on your beloved's "beautiful, pearly, brilliant smile" - instead, note her "radiant smile"), and resist the urge to make all of your words bigger with the help of a thesaurus. Remember the old adage: "Don't use a five-dollar word when a fifty-cent one will do.".
Steer clear of clichA.
A clichA is a phrase that's overused, even though it might describe something in a way that makes sense. Some examples are "I love you more than life itself" or "I fell head over heels for him." If your paragraph contains a phrase that you've heard a lot of other people use, try to reword it in a genuine way.
Use sensory descriptors. Make your writing more immediate by including sensory detail that will make the reader feel like he or she is experiencing the event again. For example, instead of saying "Your hair smelled amazing," say "Your hair smelled like citrus and vanilla.".
Choose a metaphor (optional). If you feel up to it, you can try to find a compelling metaphor for how you feel about this person. A metaphor can help you express your feelings in a unique and fresh way, and make your love poem extra individualized. For examples, see Shakespeare's sonnets or some of Emily Dickinson's poetry.
Read your work aloud. As you do that, try these things:.
Listen for anything that sounds "off" and make a note of it. Come back later and rework it so that you're satisfied.
Notice where you naturally pause as you read. Every time you pause for longer than a half-second, make a small note between the words (such as a star or tick mark).
Rewrite the paragraph, placing line breaks wherever you paused. Every time you made a mark for pausing, move to a new line. Your poem might not rhyme, but remember that not all poems must rhyme - in fact, non-rhyming poems can sometimes be more moving.
Keep editing the poem until you're satisfied. You can edit your poem endlessly if you want to, but you'll have to stop at some point if you want to give it to the person you love. Keep working with it until you're satisfied that it expresses your true feelings.
Refine the presentation (optional). For an extra romantic touch, type out the poem in a nice font, or use your best handwriting to put it on a quality piece of paper. Tie it with a ribbon or put it in a special envelope, or even have it framed. Paying a little extra attention to presentation turns your poem into a treasured memento.