Colonic Irrigation for Candida Sufferers - A Simple Review
I have got a mail from my friend, saying that she decided to go ahead with colonic irrigation.
She spoke to a guy who does it, and he said that he has good results for people with candida.
She is just wanted to do it as she is so constipated.
Anyway, the guy she talked to said that they also paint the vulva and surrounds with Gentian Violet.
She heard this was a remedy years ago for thrush and candida, but could never get hold of any.
She also heard about a lady who had her insides, vagina, painted with the stuff under anesthetic, and it cured her completely.
That is what makes her decided to have it done, because her main problem with candida is the vulvae itch so any relief would be great.
Even though she is doing candida purge, she feels that she needs to do this to help getting rid of the candida colonies in her intestines.
She is willing to try anything after having this for more than 10 years.
She also admits that her condition now is better than what she was 6 months ago.
There was also this male friend of mine suffering candida for about 4 months.
He wonders how useful colonic irrigation would be for a guy.
He worries about the details of the process, and wants to know if it is hurt.
Surely I would say that anyone, male or female, can have a colonic.
It is not painful.
It is quite pleasant instead, and you would feel great afterwards.
I truly recommended them for candida sufferers, as it hits the spot right away.
Maybe it is only good finances you need to prepare before having the colonic irrigation.
She spoke to a guy who does it, and he said that he has good results for people with candida.
She is just wanted to do it as she is so constipated.
Anyway, the guy she talked to said that they also paint the vulva and surrounds with Gentian Violet.
She heard this was a remedy years ago for thrush and candida, but could never get hold of any.
She also heard about a lady who had her insides, vagina, painted with the stuff under anesthetic, and it cured her completely.
That is what makes her decided to have it done, because her main problem with candida is the vulvae itch so any relief would be great.
Even though she is doing candida purge, she feels that she needs to do this to help getting rid of the candida colonies in her intestines.
She is willing to try anything after having this for more than 10 years.
She also admits that her condition now is better than what she was 6 months ago.
There was also this male friend of mine suffering candida for about 4 months.
He wonders how useful colonic irrigation would be for a guy.
He worries about the details of the process, and wants to know if it is hurt.
Surely I would say that anyone, male or female, can have a colonic.
It is not painful.
It is quite pleasant instead, and you would feel great afterwards.
I truly recommended them for candida sufferers, as it hits the spot right away.
Maybe it is only good finances you need to prepare before having the colonic irrigation.