Broadheads Rage Grim Reaper Slick Trick Muzzy Wasp Magnus Ramcat Nap Swhacker Helix On Hand Online F
A mechanical broadhead that needs to be discussed is the swhacker broadheads group. Many people describe these broadheads as looking or being physically ugly. That being said as the common opinion of many bow hunters swhacker broadheads are craggy mechanical broadheads. They have heavily muscled shoulders on the blades which ensure that failures do not occur at all. Failures with most other types of mechanical broadheads do occur but they do not happen when using the swhacker broadhead. They have a very simple design. The swhacker possesses a shrink collar that hugs the blades in flight, which does away with the need for rubber bands or o-rings. The shrink collar follows the contour of the ferrule perfectly, reducing in flight aerodynamic drag.
Generally speaking swhacker broadheads average around a weight of one hundred point sic grains and they provide proof of consistency in their manufacture. The one and three quarter cutting diameter has been known to penetrate as deep as seven and one sixteenth of an inch. The blades of these broadheads pivot on one screw which results in the effective balancing of the head. When looking at these swhacker broadheads you cannot help but notice or discover how the blades' tips stick out from the ferrule, about mid-body, which then allows the blades time to open on impact. This feature eradicates the swerve off or jack knifing on steep quartering shots. Even thought this type of broadhead is knowingly referred to by many bow hunters as a homely head, when it was used in the field its simplicity and performance were found to be upto scratch.
These swhacker broadheads have been tested to prove the sharpness of the blades of the head after penetration. Certain tests have shown that these heads will be sharper than the rest of the broadheads currently sold on the market and used by bow hunters because after being shot through bone these broadheads' blades do not deploy until after the broadhead passed through the bone. This is the way that the head has been designed to function. What was noticed during the tests was that almost every other type of expandable broadhead out penetrated all of the fixed heads. This conclusion was reached after all these broadheads were not only shot through gelatine moulds but they were also shot through bone and plywood. The only disadvantage to the expandable blade broadheads was the damage that was caused to the respective blades as a result of the penetration.
Generally speaking swhacker broadheads average around a weight of one hundred point sic grains and they provide proof of consistency in their manufacture. The one and three quarter cutting diameter has been known to penetrate as deep as seven and one sixteenth of an inch. The blades of these broadheads pivot on one screw which results in the effective balancing of the head. When looking at these swhacker broadheads you cannot help but notice or discover how the blades' tips stick out from the ferrule, about mid-body, which then allows the blades time to open on impact. This feature eradicates the swerve off or jack knifing on steep quartering shots. Even thought this type of broadhead is knowingly referred to by many bow hunters as a homely head, when it was used in the field its simplicity and performance were found to be upto scratch.
These swhacker broadheads have been tested to prove the sharpness of the blades of the head after penetration. Certain tests have shown that these heads will be sharper than the rest of the broadheads currently sold on the market and used by bow hunters because after being shot through bone these broadheads' blades do not deploy until after the broadhead passed through the bone. This is the way that the head has been designed to function. What was noticed during the tests was that almost every other type of expandable broadhead out penetrated all of the fixed heads. This conclusion was reached after all these broadheads were not only shot through gelatine moulds but they were also shot through bone and plywood. The only disadvantage to the expandable blade broadheads was the damage that was caused to the respective blades as a result of the penetration.