Health & Medical Diabetes

10 Foods That Lower Blood Sugar Levels and Help to Achieve Normal Blood Sugar Levels

Have you been recently diagnosed with diabetes? Are you in search of some diabetes friendly foods? Are you dying to find out the foods that are helpful in achieving normal blood sugar? If yes then I am happy as you are on the right path.
The aim of the treatment of diabetes is to achieve and then maintain normal range blood glucose levels.
This is the only thing that assures healthy diabetic life.
Nuts: A famous myth says that nuts are unhealthy as they are full of fats.
The fact is that nuts are enriched with healthy fats.
The healthy fat content enables the diabetic to lower down the level of insulin resistance.
It mainly reduces the insulin resistance by helping the person to stay away from binge eating.
It gives the diabetics a fuller feeling.
Some healthy nuts are
  • Cashew
  • Brazil nuts
  • Almonds
  • Pecans
  • Walnuts
  • Peanuts
  • Macadamia nuts
There are some people who have tendency to develop allergic reaction.
In such case it is good to keep the person away from a particular type of nut.
However those who do not have any such type of problem must use nut as the staple of their diet.
Avocado: Avocado is a fruit that is full of healthy nutrition.
Avocado helps in increasing the insulin sensitivity.
It also decreases the level of glucose in blood.
Generally it is used in dips, sauces and spreads.
Avocado is full of healthy dietary fiber.
It increases the level of blood glucose slowly after the meals.
Avocado is tasty as well as healthy.
Sweet Potato: It is also full of dietary fiber.
It decreases the rate of digestion process.
It also slows down the speed of glucose absorption in the bloodstream.
Carotenoid is the most active ingredient of sweet potato.
Carotenoid is insulin level friendly.
The most important thing is to keep in view that dipping the baked sweet potato in sugary dips and sauces may negate the healthier effect of sweet potato.
Cinnamon: Cinnamon is a common Indian herb and is used in Indian curries.
The active ingredient of cinnamon has the potential of lowering down the level of bad cholesterol.
The provided insulin becomes even more effective because of cinnamon.
Cinnamon is not only full of dietary fiber but at the same time it is a healthy source of magnesium as well.
Onions: The active ingredient of onion is flavonoid and sulfur.
It lowers down the level of blood glucose.
It increases the level of good (HDL) cholesterol.
Scientific studies have revealed that onion helps in preventing the onset of cancer because of its antioxidant properties.
Garlic: Garlic helps in lowering down the level of blood sugar.
It triggers the pancreas to produce additional insulin.
Garlic also helps in increasing the insulin sensitivity of cells towards insulin.
Garlic carries antioxidant properties which help to achieve a healthier lipid profile.
Mostly the untreated cases of diabetics have disturbed lipid profile.
Flax Seeds: Flax seeds are rich in magnesium as well as lignans.
Both of these ingredients help to lower down the blood sugar level.
It is a rich source of omega fatty acids.
It aids in controlling the level of blood sugar.
Another advantage of flax seeds is that it aids to block the effect of estrogen.
Flax seed prevents the estrogen related illnesses.
Cherries: Another fruit that is full of antioxidants.
Cherries help in reducing the level of blood sugar.
These are naturally rich source of dietary fiber.
The best attribute of cherries is that these are full of dietary fiber.
The antioxidant content of cherries is that it helps in protecting diabetes, cancer and heart related ailments.
Lemons: Lemon is enriched with Vitamin C.
It carries limestone as well as rutin.
Lemon is full of aniti-cancerous and cholesterol lowering properties.
Barley: Rice can be easily substituted with rice.
The cholesterol lowering property of oats and barley is almost the same.
Barley even lessens the glycemic index of the food that is mixed with barley.
It also gives the consumer a fuller feeling.
Lemons: Lemons are full of vitamin C.
It contains rutin and limestone.
It is full of cholesterol lowering and anti-cancerous properties.

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