The Best Travel Credit Cards
- If you like having the ease of use of a credit card, but are worried about maxing out, getting fees or paying your credit card bill, along with the threat of damaging your credit, choose a prepaid credit card for your trip. You can load your prepaid card with as much money as you think you'll need and then use it anywhere that accepts an international credit card. If you run out of money, you can go online and transfer more money onto it. This way, you can always be sure you have enough money, you don't spend too much, and you still have the security and versatility of a traditional credit card.
- When looking for a credit card to use for traveling, ask the credit card company about what type of rewards it offers. Some credit cards are designed to garner you the most rewards through travel, meaning that you just might be able to fund another trip with the points you get for planning your first one. Some credit card companies have credit cards especially for travel points, so ask about a travel credit card to get the most rewards. You can get points for booking flights, staying in hotels and even shopping in other countries.
- Although your local bank card might get you great service and rewards, going international is a whole new ball game. You'll want to stick with credit cards that work just about everywhere, such as those that have a MasterCard or Visa logo. Look up the country online to see which types of credit cards are accepted in the local establishments, and you should be able to get a good grasp on which travel credit card to bring. If necessary, you could obtain a credit card for the sole purpose of your traveling adventures to make sure that your credit card doesn't hold you back.