Health & Medical Allergies & Asthma

What Symptoms Do You Associate With Allergies?

If you are like most people you may think of; runny nose, itchy watery eyes, hives, rashes, swelling of face or throat.
It may come as a surprise to you that symptoms of headaches, migraine headaches, backache, muscle weakness, low energy, and insomnia, sleepiness during the day, irritability, cravings, negative mood, lack of focus, irritability, agitation, hyperactivity, attention deficit, hormonal issues, pre-menstrual symptoms, and weight gain can all be symptoms of allergies.
The most common food to provoke the above symptoms particularly weight gain is wheat.
In our society it is difficult to imagine the possibility that consuming wheat can play this unhealthy havoc on the body.
Wheat is associated with staff of life.
I have seen tears weld up in client's eyes when they are informed that wheat may be behind their health issues particularly if the issues include diabetes, autoimmune conditions or weight gain.
It is no wonder considering that wheat is found in many products people consume daily and perhaps many times during the day.
The most common products which contain wheat are; baked goods such as bread, pretzels, crackers, cookies, cereals, cereal and granola bars and pasta.
The misleading information about the wholesomeness of whole wheat only adds to the confusion and increases consumption of wheat products further promoting the vicious cycle of allergies.
It begs to ask: is wheat the wholesome grain the cereal, bread and pasta manufacturers want you to believe or is wheat the culprit of many illnesses including weight gain? Let's take a closer look at wheat and why it is your foe instead of a friend.
Arrival of baby boomers marked many firsts; their desires for comfort and fun, their imagination of self expression and creativity has made a profound mark on the way we live.
With all the great contributions that the baby boom generation introduced to the world there are other factors that came with negative consequences.
One of those factors was stopping the breast feeding of their children.
At the time the fad of bottle feeding babies was sweeping the country no one fathomed the serious consequence this simple natural process would unveil upon the future generations.
Breast fed babies are healthier, have fewer allergies, are smarter, live longer healthy, are less like to be overweight or obese, have more stable mood.
One reason is that they were introduced to food only after their digestive system and their immune systems were strengthened naturally by ingesting mother's colostrum and mother's milk.
Mother's milk has a very different composition then cow's milk.
Furthermore pasteurization and homogenization have altered the quality of an originally healthy food into a very unhealthy food.
The gluten in wheat and the casein in dairy are now responsible for many of the autoimmune disorders people are experiencing.
Combine this misfortune event with the fact that many well intentioned diets are proposing more whole grains including whole wheat and the incidence of allergies and consequently autoimmune disorders continues to escalate.
For those who are informed and are doing their best to eliminate gluten and casein out of their diet a certain level of frustration arises when the results are not quick or lasting.
It is said that it takes 30 seconds to break a leg but it takes 8 weeks or longer to heal.
This applies to the elimination of gluten and casein.
The elimination is only half the story, the second equally important step is to clear all the receptors that were damaged during the onslaught of gluten and casein.
This step is repaired with enzymes.
When I am asked why I take such a large number of enzymes for years I used to answer that it is for vanity reasons.
Enzymes perform many functions in our body, among them the elimination of causes of autoimmune damage and repair of the damaged tissue.
Repairing tissue means keeping your cells healthier and more youthful.
If excess weight is your issue you must be taking a therapeutic amount of proteolitic enzymes on an empty stomach and between meals.
Of all the natural products sold in Germany the number one product is a proteolitic enzyme.
These are not to be confused with digestive enzymes that people take to help them digest food.
A healthy lifestyle is more than counting calories or counting steps.
A healthy lifestyle is a combination of healthy habits that will last a life time.
Among these are choosing to eat fresh food either raw as for example salads, fruits, nuts and seeds, lightly cooked vegetables, and well cooked meats and fish.
A healthy lifestyle includes eating 5 or 6 times a day.
A meal can be a cup of soup, a small bowel or salad, a chicken breast, a small can of sardines, an apple or a handful of seeds and nuts.
Seeds and nuts are quick and easy to carry with you and snack on.
They are dense nutrition that will balance your blood sugar levels and help to stop cravings for sweets and carbohydrates.
Seeds and nuts contain healthy fats that are essential for hormone production, your sex life, and are protective against cancer and other serious illnesses.
Only make sure you do not have allergies to them.
A healthy lifestyle included optimal hydration with clean water, herbal teas and occasional coffee if you choose.
Do your best to use organic coffee if at all possible.
Juices are very high source of sugar.
Imagine eating five apples at one sitting you probably could not do it, however when you during a large glass of juice you may consume the sugar amount of five apples or other fruit with out the benefit of fiber.
Remember fiber is very important to rid your body of waist, including cellulite.
A healthy lifestyle includes motion which could be dancing, running, lifting, tai chi, palatte, yoga and more.

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