How to Begin Playing the Flute
- 1). Visit a local musical instrument shop and seek advice about buying a beginner flute. Although most flutes are relatively easy to play, certain types, such as the alto or bass flute, are really only useful to more advanced players. Ask for beginner flutes and whether you can hold one in your hands to get a feel for it.
- 2). Buy an instrument once you are happy with the flute you have found. Ask the staffer at the musical instrument shop what additional accessories you require, such as a hard-shelled case, tuning rod, a cleaning rod, cloth and duster. Purchase your accessories before taking your flute home, as this ensures you can tune, clean and maintain your flute from day one.
- 3). Search your local telephone directory, online resources and advertisements at local music shops and venues to find flute teachers. Contact prospective teachers and ask them whether they teach beginners, their rates for lessons and any other details. Book your first lesson once you are satisfied you've found the most convenient and best teacher for you.
- 4). Attend your first flute lesson. Forget any preconceived notions you have about playing the flute. For example, thinking that you know how you are supposed to hold the flute can lead to bad habits. Pay attention to everything your teacher says and allow him to show you exactly how to hold and blow into the flute as well as how to finger the keys. Ask your teacher to show you how to put your flute together and take it apart. Most flutes come in three separate detachable parts, which means you can pack it away into small pieces in a flute case.
- 5). Return home from your lesson and follow your teacher's advice, including the number of hours you should practice. Make sure you also replicate the holding position and playing technique that your teacher showed you.