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Lord of War with Nicholas Cage

The movie; Lord of War with Nicholas Cage is a great movie to help illustrate the kinds of things that go on behind the scenes in the arms trade business.
It rationalizes all different points of view and explains situations that so often we as citizens are not willing to address.
It shows how often we make judgments without understanding the reality and brutality of the rest of the world.
Indeed, it also shows the darker side of man and the obvious innate characteristics to wage war and kill his own species.
The movie also goes into the thought processes of all the different players on all sides of the fence in the movement of drugs, diamonds, currency, arms and even oil.
During this current conflict between Israel and Hezbollah many people are wondering how the international terrorists organizations get their arms and their money to securities arms, which end up killing innocent people.
This movie should be seen by people who simply watch the news and think they understand world affairs because it is rather obvious that the mass media has done a mass snow job on the reality of world events.
The Lord of War with Nicolas Cage is a great action-packed movie and worth your time to view.
Please consider all this in 2006.

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