Registry Cleaners - Why I Pay for One, My Experience
If you look around on the internet you`ll find many decent free registry cleaners and using one like cCleaner can be very helpful in cleaning internet temp. files and deleting empty registry keys but a free registry cleaner has limits.
You might think why pay for something I can get for free? Well there are a couple of reasons for this: 1- the thoroughness of the scan of a paid registry cleaner is much more in-depth than any of the free cleaners available and 2- they can just flat out do a better and more accurate job finding errors that compromise your system`s running processes.
There are many people who think that a free registry cleaner is all you need to keep things running right within any PC but I have found this to be a stretch of their imagination.
Does your computer crash frequently? I must let you know you`re not alone, in my past experiences when I was void of a paid registry cleaner in my arsenal of computer protection and management programs my computer was crashing daily and sometimes even 3-5 times a day.
Now I look at everyone else who has crashing problems and wonder why they`re so reluctant to give one of the top registry cleaners a try. The amount of crashes I was experiencing daily has all but gone away so long as I keep my PC and programs updated and run my registry cleaner and anti-spyware once every week or so. Two minutes a week to keep my system running great is a pretty good trade off to me and it keeps everything working great.
I Use Them All
Anti-virus, anti-malware, free registry cleaners and system defrag,in my opinion they`re not enough. With the increasing complexity of computers and software these days there are bound to be a few errors that creep into your system here and there when trying to incorporate all the different and sometimes conflicting commands a PC receives and then trying to stuff it all in to a relatively small home computer.
How Do Computers Loose Their Settings and Become Corrupted?
There are many reasons for all the different things that happen to computers and believe it or not just going online and visiting some unscrupulous and even quality websites and downloading their material can reak havoc on a PC`s settings because all these sites and programs all want you to use their brand of "products" and one program`s settings may even try to overwrite some of your other previously installed programs.
I ask you have you ever had a program that worked just fine and then all of a sudden the features or so called tools in that program just suddenly stopped working the way they were designed to? Who really knows why things like that happen, it could be any one of a number of things such as a virus, a glitch in your system or program, a user controlled setting in your system or even conflicting commands, any single one or all of these may play a part.
With all the different programs I have installed on my PC I`ve seen these type of settings errors crop up all the time. I`ve tried everything to fix these problems manually but the one thing that really helped is knowing that by using my paid registry cleaner and running the scan about once a week I can avoid these troubles from taking over my PC.
All I have do to prevent most of these errors is pin my paid registry cleaner (i.e. have the registry cleaner start working when I start up my computer) to the start menu therefor keeping the registry cleaner
running in the background of my system whenever I have it turned on.
Pinning the cleaner to the start up sequence will keep it doing it`s job of keeping the settings in the order they are intended to be in.
This will help prevent most errors from happening but because of the complexity of everything these days some problems still creep in from time to time. By performing the weekly scan it will enable you to find and repair every problem your PC is experiencing because the scanning process reaches much deeper in to your system and finds errors which elude the start up pinned registry cleaner program.
I must state here that sometimes the problem may be a needed update for your operating system. I`ve experienced times when I run all my PC management programs and find nothing at all and right after I find a system update is being installed thereby fixing the problems I was experiencing.
Over time and with every download or program you install or remove the settings that run or ran these programs can become corrupted within the registry and if you find that rebooting your PC does nothing to help correct these problems I have found that there are only two answers to choose from to repair your system: 1- Reinstall Windows and all your programs again, which can take a good part of your day, or 2- Buy a good registry cleaner, run the scan and fix your PC`s problems quickly and easily.
I Chose the Latter for Lack of Time.
As long as your operating system and your programs are up to date and you run you`re anti-virus weekly most of the time all you would need to get your computer to work right is to run a registry repair scan all by itself.
Start by creating a restore point and then UN-check all the other sections of the registry cleaner program (e.g. Junk Cleaner, Disc Defrag, System Optimizer and so on), these section scans are not needed weekly but you should run them once and a while (around once a month or so).
Then just open the registry section and activate all of the subsections with a check mark before beginning and if there are scans for updates on Windows, Adobe and Java just UN-check those scans so they do not return any results. Next just run the scan, when it`s finished all you`ll have to do is click the repair button.
If you have a issue with your results or if the repair process made a changes or two you that you don`t like just use the system restore to return your system back to it`s pre-repair state and then just run the scan again. This time examine the results of the scan further to remove the part of the repair which caused your problem with your previously unsuccessful repair and then just click repair again.
I know how easy it is to fix my PC this way and I find that it`s quite a time saver when you can keep your PC and programs work the way they were supposed to.
If you need some help speeding up your programs or your PC there`s no harm in giving one a try especially when you consider that most every registry cleaner program offers a 60 day money back guarantee and it`s a lot cheaper and faster than bringing it in to the computer repair shop too.
You might think why pay for something I can get for free? Well there are a couple of reasons for this: 1- the thoroughness of the scan of a paid registry cleaner is much more in-depth than any of the free cleaners available and 2- they can just flat out do a better and more accurate job finding errors that compromise your system`s running processes.
There are many people who think that a free registry cleaner is all you need to keep things running right within any PC but I have found this to be a stretch of their imagination.
Does your computer crash frequently? I must let you know you`re not alone, in my past experiences when I was void of a paid registry cleaner in my arsenal of computer protection and management programs my computer was crashing daily and sometimes even 3-5 times a day.
Now I look at everyone else who has crashing problems and wonder why they`re so reluctant to give one of the top registry cleaners a try. The amount of crashes I was experiencing daily has all but gone away so long as I keep my PC and programs updated and run my registry cleaner and anti-spyware once every week or so. Two minutes a week to keep my system running great is a pretty good trade off to me and it keeps everything working great.
I Use Them All
Anti-virus, anti-malware, free registry cleaners and system defrag,in my opinion they`re not enough. With the increasing complexity of computers and software these days there are bound to be a few errors that creep into your system here and there when trying to incorporate all the different and sometimes conflicting commands a PC receives and then trying to stuff it all in to a relatively small home computer.
How Do Computers Loose Their Settings and Become Corrupted?
There are many reasons for all the different things that happen to computers and believe it or not just going online and visiting some unscrupulous and even quality websites and downloading their material can reak havoc on a PC`s settings because all these sites and programs all want you to use their brand of "products" and one program`s settings may even try to overwrite some of your other previously installed programs.
I ask you have you ever had a program that worked just fine and then all of a sudden the features or so called tools in that program just suddenly stopped working the way they were designed to? Who really knows why things like that happen, it could be any one of a number of things such as a virus, a glitch in your system or program, a user controlled setting in your system or even conflicting commands, any single one or all of these may play a part.
With all the different programs I have installed on my PC I`ve seen these type of settings errors crop up all the time. I`ve tried everything to fix these problems manually but the one thing that really helped is knowing that by using my paid registry cleaner and running the scan about once a week I can avoid these troubles from taking over my PC.
All I have do to prevent most of these errors is pin my paid registry cleaner (i.e. have the registry cleaner start working when I start up my computer) to the start menu therefor keeping the registry cleaner
running in the background of my system whenever I have it turned on.
Pinning the cleaner to the start up sequence will keep it doing it`s job of keeping the settings in the order they are intended to be in.
This will help prevent most errors from happening but because of the complexity of everything these days some problems still creep in from time to time. By performing the weekly scan it will enable you to find and repair every problem your PC is experiencing because the scanning process reaches much deeper in to your system and finds errors which elude the start up pinned registry cleaner program.
I must state here that sometimes the problem may be a needed update for your operating system. I`ve experienced times when I run all my PC management programs and find nothing at all and right after I find a system update is being installed thereby fixing the problems I was experiencing.
Over time and with every download or program you install or remove the settings that run or ran these programs can become corrupted within the registry and if you find that rebooting your PC does nothing to help correct these problems I have found that there are only two answers to choose from to repair your system: 1- Reinstall Windows and all your programs again, which can take a good part of your day, or 2- Buy a good registry cleaner, run the scan and fix your PC`s problems quickly and easily.
I Chose the Latter for Lack of Time.
As long as your operating system and your programs are up to date and you run you`re anti-virus weekly most of the time all you would need to get your computer to work right is to run a registry repair scan all by itself.
Start by creating a restore point and then UN-check all the other sections of the registry cleaner program (e.g. Junk Cleaner, Disc Defrag, System Optimizer and so on), these section scans are not needed weekly but you should run them once and a while (around once a month or so).
Then just open the registry section and activate all of the subsections with a check mark before beginning and if there are scans for updates on Windows, Adobe and Java just UN-check those scans so they do not return any results. Next just run the scan, when it`s finished all you`ll have to do is click the repair button.
If you have a issue with your results or if the repair process made a changes or two you that you don`t like just use the system restore to return your system back to it`s pre-repair state and then just run the scan again. This time examine the results of the scan further to remove the part of the repair which caused your problem with your previously unsuccessful repair and then just click repair again.
I know how easy it is to fix my PC this way and I find that it`s quite a time saver when you can keep your PC and programs work the way they were supposed to.
If you need some help speeding up your programs or your PC there`s no harm in giving one a try especially when you consider that most every registry cleaner program offers a 60 day money back guarantee and it`s a lot cheaper and faster than bringing it in to the computer repair shop too.