Tips on How Non Singers Can Improve Their Voices
There are very few people I've met who don't like to sing.
Most of them will confess that they can't sing and yet admit to been closeted singers who would dearly love to sing openly.
Well I'll tell you something; almost everyone of us has the ability to sing, the problem is we just don't know how to develop this ability.
Try the few bits of advice I've offered below and just see how much it improves your voice.
How often have you heard someone try to sing and song and murder it? More than a few I suspect.
It is not that these people can't sing, it's just that they can't sing that type of song.
If you can't get your head around pop songs but are more than happy with jazz or folk well then avoid pop, sing folk and jazz: don't try to be something you are not! Be careful with your stance.
It is surprising how much a stance facilitates good singing.
Try this and see how much better you feel.
Let your arms hang loosely by your side, shakes your hands a little to really relax them.
Have your feet firmly planted on the floor, so if someone were to give you a slight push you would not fall back.
The next piece of posture control is to stand straight with your shoulders up as if you raised your arms and then, without moving your shoulders, let them fall to your side.
The whole purpose of this posture control is to get your lungs and ribcage into the best possible breathing position.
Proper breath control is, perhaps, one of the main reasons people don't sing properly.
The whole secret here is to take big deep breaths so you can have enough air to carry the notes.
You could write a book on breath control but here is a very simple exercise that someone just learning to sing should practise daily.
Start by putting one hand on your abdomen and the other on your back, about waist level.
Next take a deep breath, through your nose, and fill your lower lungs with it.
You should find that your stomach sticking out.
You should also find that as your lower abdomen expands your hands move apart, now exhale through your mouth and let you stomach fall gently back into place.
Get into the habit of doing this exercise during the day, as you improve your back will also move out when you inhale.
Practise, they say, makes perfect.
So practise every day.
Start quietly and get your vocal cords used to been used in a different way, break them in gently.
Run up and down the scales a couple of times each day, just staying within your comfort zone, gradually moving up the scale.
Another good tip is to have two or three songs you know are well within your range and comfort zone and use those as practise songs, it can be so much more satisfying than just singing scales! It's impossible to cover everything in a short article like this, if you want to learn more about how a non-singer can learn how to sing then check out the links in my resource box below.
There is nothing gives you the buzz more that standing up at a party or other social event and letting blast.
My voice is nothing special, I just learned to do things properly and believe me you can do the same.
Can you just feel the applause?
Most of them will confess that they can't sing and yet admit to been closeted singers who would dearly love to sing openly.
Well I'll tell you something; almost everyone of us has the ability to sing, the problem is we just don't know how to develop this ability.
Try the few bits of advice I've offered below and just see how much it improves your voice.
How often have you heard someone try to sing and song and murder it? More than a few I suspect.
It is not that these people can't sing, it's just that they can't sing that type of song.
If you can't get your head around pop songs but are more than happy with jazz or folk well then avoid pop, sing folk and jazz: don't try to be something you are not! Be careful with your stance.
It is surprising how much a stance facilitates good singing.
Try this and see how much better you feel.
Let your arms hang loosely by your side, shakes your hands a little to really relax them.
Have your feet firmly planted on the floor, so if someone were to give you a slight push you would not fall back.
The next piece of posture control is to stand straight with your shoulders up as if you raised your arms and then, without moving your shoulders, let them fall to your side.
The whole purpose of this posture control is to get your lungs and ribcage into the best possible breathing position.
Proper breath control is, perhaps, one of the main reasons people don't sing properly.
The whole secret here is to take big deep breaths so you can have enough air to carry the notes.
You could write a book on breath control but here is a very simple exercise that someone just learning to sing should practise daily.
Start by putting one hand on your abdomen and the other on your back, about waist level.
Next take a deep breath, through your nose, and fill your lower lungs with it.
You should find that your stomach sticking out.
You should also find that as your lower abdomen expands your hands move apart, now exhale through your mouth and let you stomach fall gently back into place.
Get into the habit of doing this exercise during the day, as you improve your back will also move out when you inhale.
Practise, they say, makes perfect.
So practise every day.
Start quietly and get your vocal cords used to been used in a different way, break them in gently.
Run up and down the scales a couple of times each day, just staying within your comfort zone, gradually moving up the scale.
Another good tip is to have two or three songs you know are well within your range and comfort zone and use those as practise songs, it can be so much more satisfying than just singing scales! It's impossible to cover everything in a short article like this, if you want to learn more about how a non-singer can learn how to sing then check out the links in my resource box below.
There is nothing gives you the buzz more that standing up at a party or other social event and letting blast.
My voice is nothing special, I just learned to do things properly and believe me you can do the same.
Can you just feel the applause?