Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Regular and Comprehensive Exams at the Dentist

If you are like most people then you are familiar with what happens during a typical visit to the dentist.
In most cases you will be seen by the dental hygienist first.
He will do an examination of your teeth, clean them and sometimes do X-rays to check for any problem areas.
The dental provider will then look over the X-rays and will do a more thorough examination of your teeth and gums to look for any issues that need to be addressed as soon as possible.
The dental professional will also look for any signs that you have early stage oral cancer or any other type of oral disease.
There may be some visits to the dentist however where an exam known as a comprehensive examination needs to take place.
In this case the dentist will take a detailed look at your mouth, as well as your neck area and your head.
If he suspects that a problem exists then he will request that X-rays be done.
The oral health practitioner will also want to review your medical history at this time.
This is all done for your continued good health.
The first time that you visit a new dentist it is likely that a comprehensive examination will take place.
This familiarizes the dental provider and the team that works with him of the condition of not just your mouth but your overall health.
Even if you have always been current with visits to a dental provider the new dentist is doing the proper thing by becoming well acquainted with your health, seeing as you are a new patient of his.
This will make it easier for him to notice any changes or problems when you return for subsequent visits in the future.
While there are standard procedures for comprehensive exams and regular checkups every dental provider and hygienist has their own style of doing things.
If one provider you go to does not follow the exact same procedures as another then this does not necessarily mean that he or she is not doing a good job.
It just means that he/she has a different style than the professionals you have been to in the past.
If you are concerned about this then do not hesitate to ask questions.
Find out why certain steps in the exam procedure may have been skipped while other ones may have been added.
The order in which each element of the exam takes place may be different for each practitioner you see and this is generally not a big worry.
One aspect of every visit that should be given importance is going over and if necessary updating your history as it pertains to everything medical.
If you have experienced any changes to your health, if you have had any type of surgery since your last visit or if you have started to take any new type of medication then it needs to be noted down on your file.

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