Get Excited to Lose Weight Fast While Burning Fat Thanks to Carbs! Yes, Carbs!
Let me get one thing straight...
Carbohydrates ARE an important part of your muscle building diet! Some trainers get it into their heads that the only macro nutrient responsible for muscle growth is protein, which is partially true, but only part of the story! Carbohydrates can make you fat in three ways: first, your body stores all carbs as bodyfat when the muscles and the liver are already full of glycogen, so a continuous high-carb diet can lead to fat gain if you have a caloric surplus.
Carbohydrates that contain more than two simple sugars are called oligosaccharides or polysaccharides , depending upon the length of the structure.
Oligosaccharides usually have between three and ten sugar units while polysaccharides can have more than three thousand units.
Confused yet? Alright I'll break it down...
Carbohydrates have never been bad for people, and neither has fat! The culprit in this controversy is CALORIES.
Carbohydrates should make up 55-65% of your diet, but some people seem to think that all carbohydrates are bad.
Carbohydrates come in two forms: complex and simple.
Complex carbohydrates, the ones your should be eating, are found in whole grain products, pasta, rice and certain vegetables.
This of course is just one aspect of what you need to lose weight fast, more on how to do just that below! Carbohydrates provide our body with the energy it needs to perform its daily tasks, they are the high-octane fuel for exercise and should provide at least the majority of an athlete's total daily calories.
To get a bit more technical, you should consume approximately 3.
0 to 4.
5 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight! Now if you are worried all this carb consumption will lead to putting on some major fat pounds, then stop!
Carbohydrates ARE an important part of your muscle building diet! Some trainers get it into their heads that the only macro nutrient responsible for muscle growth is protein, which is partially true, but only part of the story! Carbohydrates can make you fat in three ways: first, your body stores all carbs as bodyfat when the muscles and the liver are already full of glycogen, so a continuous high-carb diet can lead to fat gain if you have a caloric surplus.
Carbohydrates that contain more than two simple sugars are called oligosaccharides or polysaccharides , depending upon the length of the structure.
Oligosaccharides usually have between three and ten sugar units while polysaccharides can have more than three thousand units.
Confused yet? Alright I'll break it down...
Carbohydrates have never been bad for people, and neither has fat! The culprit in this controversy is CALORIES.
Carbohydrates should make up 55-65% of your diet, but some people seem to think that all carbohydrates are bad.
Carbohydrates come in two forms: complex and simple.
Complex carbohydrates, the ones your should be eating, are found in whole grain products, pasta, rice and certain vegetables.
This of course is just one aspect of what you need to lose weight fast, more on how to do just that below! Carbohydrates provide our body with the energy it needs to perform its daily tasks, they are the high-octane fuel for exercise and should provide at least the majority of an athlete's total daily calories.
To get a bit more technical, you should consume approximately 3.
0 to 4.
5 grams of carbohydrate per pound of body weight! Now if you are worried all this carb consumption will lead to putting on some major fat pounds, then stop!