Health & Medical Cosmetic & Plastic Surgery

The Risks of Breast Augmentation

There are many forms of cosmetic self enhancements you can have carried out on your body.
However, before you embark on having breast augmentation you owe it to yourself to ensure you know as much as you can about the risks associated with this type of procedure.
Just in 2008 alone, over 300,000 women underwent this procedure, however, there were also over 40,000 implant removal procedures carried out.
Some of the issues that can occur with breast augmentation are red and lumpy scars, numb nipples, implants that can harden and capsular contracture which is a scar that forms around the implant and causes pain.
If you suffer from any of the following problems, you will be advised not to go ahead with a breast augmentation.
These include a current infection within the body, arthritis or lupus even if there is a history within your family, an immune system that is weak or conditions that cause blood clotting.
If there has been breast cancer within your family, there are some concerns that during a routine mammogram the tumours will be hidden behind the implant.
It can be easy to believe that an uncomfortable spot in your breasts could be due to scar tissue and not a lump.
There have been reported cases where tumours have gone unnoticed from this exact problem.
It is believed the best way to detect most lumps are by self examination and that this method will still detect any problems even with an implant.
This will simply mean being more vigilant about regular self exams and ensuring any detected issues are checked out immediately.
Many women who are unhappy with their procedure complain that the implant moves around or becomes displaced which then distorts the whole breast.
This problem, if it occurs will require further surgical treatment to be repaired.
If you have not yet had children, your ability to breastfeed should not be a problem.
In theory, your breast should shrink back to its normal size after you have stopped and should remain as they were prior to breastfeeding.
However, the effect of droop will depend on how well your skin's elasticity is at repair.
Even with the documented complications, there are many women extremely happy with the outcome of their breast augmentation.
The main thing is to ensure you are carrying this out for the correct reasons.
For many women who have suffered with small breasts their whole life this can serve as the one thing that finally allows them to feel like a real woman.
Many breast cancer survivors who have undergone surgical removal also choose to have breast reconstruction and this is an important step psychologically in the recovery process.
If you do decide to go ahead with breast implants, be sure to choose a reputable doctor, preferably who has come highly recommended from previous patients.
During a consultation, ask for sample photos of before and after shots and also samples of the implant itself.
Ensure you are provided with detailed explanations and information about the entire procedure and the expected outcome.
Ensure you know exactly what you want and don't allow the surgeon to sway you in your decision.
If you end up with a size that is too big for your frame you will suffer from pain and discomfort and may need to have them removed.
If you find you are feeling at all hesitant about surgical procedure for breast augmentation, you need to check out this natural alternative that may surprise you with its results.

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