Magic Spells That Really Work - Don"t Fall for the Lies!
I can tell you right from the onset that you did not arrive at this article by accident.
You are obviously looking for magic spells that really work, as opposed to all of those unauthentic scam spells you will find circulating about, especially online.
I am here to help, and I am very much honored to do so.
Let this article serve as a means of developing a bit of insight as to what is real and what isn't.
Of course, there are a few ways that you can come by legitimate spells that have been used successfully by witches, magicians, Wicca practitioners, and others.
The most obvious of these methods of acquisition would be by way of a Book of Shadows.
Magic spells that really work will be contained within the pages of such a powerful and authentic book, which can easily contain years, decades, and even centuries worth of wisdom, wonder, and incredible rituals.
These books can be hard to come by, unless you know the right people or are incredibly lucky.
However, many effective spells can be carefully purchased via certain offline and online vendors.
Be careful, though.
There is a lot of re-hashed and completely worthless stuff out there.
In fact, stay away from freebies, as they will only serve to disappoint you.
And when you do spend money to acquire magic spells that really work, please do so cautiously, as a few scam artists would have absolutely no problem attaining the free crap, putting their own twist and name on it, and then turning around and selling it to some unsuspecting (and unfortunately, gullible) soul.
Don't let that be you.
Do your research and pay for your spells.
However, you also don't want to simply assume that just because one spell or set of spells is more expensive than another, it is automatically superior.
Again, do your research.
Try and find testimonials of other practitioners who claim these are magic spells that really work, and not just the product of some scam artist trying to make a quick buck at your expense.
Smart witches are good witches, afterall.
Here are 2 magic spells that really work: 1.
Revenge spell: * In a dark room, hold a bunch of blackberries which have been sewn into a black cloth pouch using black thread...
in one hand.
In the other hand, hold a black candle with a heavy black wick.
Light the candle.
Imagine the candle is the person you are taking your revenge on.
With all your passion and at the top of your voice, yell out to the dark forces everything that you want this person to experience, seeing them in front of you...
again, as if the candle was the person.
Once you've completed this particular ritual, bury the candle and blackberries in soil.
Protection spell: * This is nearly the exact opposite of the revenge spell.
No blackberries.
The room and candle should both be white.
The wick must be white.
Light the candle.
Close your eyes.
Visualize the warmth and light of the candle engulfing your entire being.
Feel the love and protection with everything you've got.
This spell is so simple, but it really works.
The most important advice I suspect I am able to offer at this point is that of a boxing referee: protect yourself at all times.
If you really get in tune with your inner magic, you should be able to sniff out the frauds using your own mighty, beautiful, and self-preserving intuition.
Your senses will guide you down the correct path.
They will keep you protected.
And they will surely place magic spells that really work directly onto your lap.
When you receive authentic spells, you will know it immediately.
Please make sure to use them primarily for good.
I can tell you right from the onset that you did not arrive at this article by accident.
You are obviously looking for magic spells that really work, as opposed to all of those unauthentic scam spells you will find circulating about, especially online.
I am here to help, and I am very much honored to do so.
Let this article serve as a means of developing a bit of insight as to what is real and what isn't.
Of course, there are a few ways that you can come by legitimate spells that have been used successfully by witches, magicians, Wicca practitioners, and others.
The most obvious of these methods of acquisition would be by way of a Book of Shadows.
Magic spells that really work will be contained within the pages of such a powerful and authentic book, which can easily contain years, decades, and even centuries worth of wisdom, wonder, and incredible rituals.
These books can be hard to come by, unless you know the right people or are incredibly lucky.
However, many effective spells can be carefully purchased via certain offline and online vendors.
Be careful, though.
There is a lot of re-hashed and completely worthless stuff out there.
In fact, stay away from freebies, as they will only serve to disappoint you.
And when you do spend money to acquire magic spells that really work, please do so cautiously, as a few scam artists would have absolutely no problem attaining the free crap, putting their own twist and name on it, and then turning around and selling it to some unsuspecting (and unfortunately, gullible) soul.
Don't let that be you.
Do your research and pay for your spells.
However, you also don't want to simply assume that just because one spell or set of spells is more expensive than another, it is automatically superior.
Again, do your research.
Try and find testimonials of other practitioners who claim these are magic spells that really work, and not just the product of some scam artist trying to make a quick buck at your expense.
Smart witches are good witches, afterall.
Here are 2 magic spells that really work: 1.
Revenge spell: * In a dark room, hold a bunch of blackberries which have been sewn into a black cloth pouch using black thread...
in one hand.
In the other hand, hold a black candle with a heavy black wick.
Light the candle.
Imagine the candle is the person you are taking your revenge on.
With all your passion and at the top of your voice, yell out to the dark forces everything that you want this person to experience, seeing them in front of you...
again, as if the candle was the person.
Once you've completed this particular ritual, bury the candle and blackberries in soil.
Protection spell: * This is nearly the exact opposite of the revenge spell.
No blackberries.
The room and candle should both be white.
The wick must be white.
Light the candle.
Close your eyes.
Visualize the warmth and light of the candle engulfing your entire being.
Feel the love and protection with everything you've got.
This spell is so simple, but it really works.
The most important advice I suspect I am able to offer at this point is that of a boxing referee: protect yourself at all times.
If you really get in tune with your inner magic, you should be able to sniff out the frauds using your own mighty, beautiful, and self-preserving intuition.
Your senses will guide you down the correct path.
They will keep you protected.
And they will surely place magic spells that really work directly onto your lap.
When you receive authentic spells, you will know it immediately.
Please make sure to use them primarily for good.