Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Swine Flu Prevention

Why Swine Flu Prevention? Your late! The plane you are supposed to be on just made the last call to board and your running to the gate, when you notice that right in front of you coming your way, just off a plane from Mexico is a convention of Mexican pig farmers! Oh yes they are boarding your flight.
What are you going to do? Run? Miss your plane? or do you face it like a man, tell yourself everything will be alright and sit threw a 3 hour flight? Now I'm not saying something like that is going to happen, and I mean no offense to Mexican pig farmers in any way.
My point is that you can catch swine flu just like you can catch human flu.
Your best bet is swine flu prevention.
Have you ever had the flu? I have, and I had no idea where I caught it from in most cases.
Swine flu prevention.
You touch an infected doorknob, then scratch your eye.
Boom, its over...
you have swine flu and spend the next several weeks quarantined in some hospital away from your family and friends, oh yes and vomiting.
Sound like fun? Swine flu prevention.
Now we all can't just sit home either.
Especially if you have bills to pay.
So what do you do to protect yourself? Swine flu prevention.
So what it comes down to is simply common sense.
Viral bacteria is everywhere.
Doorknobs, pens, magazines, gas pumps, money.
Just about anything someone touches could be infected.
The trick is to be especially clean.
There are numerous products that can assist you with this, and the key is, Be prepared.
What can someone do to be prepared? Several items could assist you with swine flu prevention.
Some of the common sense items would be, some anti-bacterial-viral hand soap.
You've all seen them.
they have sizes anywhere from portable, key chain, size, to a huge industrial bucket of the stuff.
How abut some sanitizer wipes? clean and disinfect doorknobs, counter tops, etc.
Really handy.
Surgical gloves? Why not? If you are in a high traffic area it wouldn't hurt.
Surgical masks? I suggest surgical masks because they simply filter bacteria more effectively that just a regular mask would.
A surgical mask would be handy in a plane full of Mexican pig farmers, wouldn't it.
OK, I'm running out of time, and I want to thank everyone for reading this article.
If you want more information, please visit my website listed below.

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