Health & Medical Diseases & Conditions

Complications of Night Sweating


    • Doctors should conduct a complete physical examination of a patient, including medical tests if deemed necessary, before deciding upon a cause of night sweats and determining whether they are harmful to the patient.

    Potential Risks

    • People who awaken drenched in sweat numerous times each night might find that they develop insomnia. Electrolyte imbalance, due to the excessive sweat lost during the night, can be a potentially fatal condition if left untreated.


    • In specific cases, night sweats might be an indication of serious underlying medical conditions such as cancer, tumors and infection.


    • Limit the potential dangers of night sweats by keeping the room cool, using light bed coverings and staying well hydrated.

    When to Seek Medical Advice

    • The Mayo Clinic recommends seeking a doctor's advice for night sweats if they occur regularly, cause sleep interruption and if you notice a sudden weight loss or unexplained fever.

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