Health & Medical Dental & Oral

Tonsilloliths 101 - See How Easily You Can Terminate Tonsilloliths

Tonsilloliths or also referred to as tonsil stones or tonsil rocks are formed by deposits of mucous, sulfur producing bacteria, food particles, dead white blood cells, post nasal drip, and other debris in the mouth which gather in the tonsils.
While they are irritating and cause bad breath, they are not necessarily harmful.
There are different ways to terminate and win the battle against these nasty, whitish or yellow, foul smelling bumps from your tonsils.
There are nonsurgical and surgical methods.
One common nonsurgical treatment is the use of Waterpik.
It is a dental water jet syringe that rinse off food particles from between teeth.
To remove the tonsilloliths, you need to use a Waterpik strong enough to fire or power them out.
Other natural alternatives include gargling with salt and water every morning and every after meal, using an antibacterial non alcohol based mouthwash, sucking them out with the use of a cotton swab, curved medicine dropper, q-tip or toothpick, rinsing your mouth after eating and drinking, quick brushing down the throat, and many more.
A tonsillectomy is a surgical procedure used to completely remove the tonsils.
It is a popular treatment to prevent sore throats and several other throat related problems from reoccurring.
Before opting to a surgical method, you should try all sorts of home remedy treatments first as tonsils serve as a barrier to protect against bacteria and viruses.
Then follow it with a good oral hygiene and a regular visit to a dentist or an ENT specialist to prevent tonsilloliths from coming back.

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