Health & Medical Diet & Fitness

5 Don"ts While You"re on a Diet

The biggest obstacle to successful weight loss can be your old eating habits.
The best solution is to review those habits, discover your weak spots and eliminate them.
You may find some of them among the following: Don't eat too much! Bad habit: you eat only the main meals, but when you do that, you can hardly stop eating.
Plus, you're eating too fast, so your brain doesn't realize that you're full.
Don't eat snacks! Bad habit: You eat less, but often, or eat lots of snacks between the main meals.
If you do that, it means that you probably eat because you need to relax, not because you're hungry.
Try to always keep your hands busy doing something, no matter if you`re at work or at home.
Don't eat too much at parties! Bad habit: You eat as much as you want at parties, when you're surrounded by lots of foods and you're having a good time.
Remember that parties are first of all a social event and eating is just a part of them, not their main purpose.
Don't eat too much at restaurants! Bad habit: when you eat at restaurants, you order the largest size because it costs just a little bit more, and you eat it all.
It's great if you like to eat at restaurants, but this shouldn't affect your diet.
When you feel like eating out, try places where they serve smaller portions and healthy food.
Don't eat next to the computer! (c)Project Weight Loss 2007.
All rights reserved.

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