The Average Salary of an Environmental Laboratory Technician in Ohio
- The average salary of an environmental laboratory technician in Ohio was $18.82 per hour as of May 2009, or $39,140 per year, according to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. In comparison, the nationwide average pay rate for this occupation was $20.92 per hour, or $43,520 per year.
- The middle 50 percent of environmental laboratory technicians on the earnings scale in Ohio were making $31,140 to $47,120 per year in 2009. The bottom 10 percent had annual salaries of $24,840 and lower, and the top 10 percent were making at least $55,000 per year. The salary range nationwide for the middle 50 percent of environmental lab technicians was $32,460 to $52,610.
- Environmental laboratory technicians in Ohio earned the highest salaries in the Akron area in 2009, at $47,580 per year, over $4,000 higher than the nationwide average. The middle 50-percent range there was much higher than the statewide range, at $42,600 to $55,010 per year. The top 10 percent of environmental lab techs in Akron were earning $58,120 per year and higher.
- The lowest paying region in Ohio for environmental laboratory technicians is the Canton-Massillon area, where the average pay was $34,120 per year in 2009. Environmental lab technicians in the Youngstown-Warren-Boardman area were making an average of $36,490 per year. In the metropolitan areas of Cincinnati-Middletown, Cleveland-Elyria-Mentor, Columbus, Dayton and Toledo, the average annual salary for environmental laboratory technicians was in the range of $37,800 to $39,500.