Dealing With Health Insurance
This is a great story you need to hear, who knows it my already have happened to you. In my early twenties I continued to suffer some mild reoccurring symptoms. At the time I was in great health and to busy to worry about it. I had a good job that offered great health insurance.
One night after dinner and a few drinks I began to experience some of those symptoms. About 5am or so I woke up to an excruciating stomach pain, the sweats and trouble focusing. I barely made to the bathroom. What may have been only a few minutes felt like an hour. Dazed, I must have passed out only to wake up on the floor.
A friend referred me to a doctor and I shared my story with him. After a month of all sorts of test I began to feel like this guy did not know what he was doing. He seemed pretty competent but I still had not gotten any answers. Eventually he made some conclusions and it ended up being nothing serious and I got a clean bill of health.
Two months go by and an associate of mine and I decide to go into business together. I left my job and drop the insurance with it. I did pick up some good group coverage with an organization I belong to. Not long I start getting bills from all sorts of labs, and the hospital. Clearly this must be a mistake so I think nothing of it. Bills piling up but I still think that someone will get to it. Eventually I see a bill from the doctor's office for my 4 visits. Now there starting to make me mad. Before I knew it the nasty letters start rolling in and to my surprise a phone call from the doctor's office being very upset about paying my bill. Well of coarse all hell breaks loose.
Their office eventually closed but they were persistent till the end to try and collect from me. I was able to convince the labs that I was not liable for the negligence of the doctor's office. I ended up having diabetes after all that and was able to get it covered with my new policy.
One night after dinner and a few drinks I began to experience some of those symptoms. About 5am or so I woke up to an excruciating stomach pain, the sweats and trouble focusing. I barely made to the bathroom. What may have been only a few minutes felt like an hour. Dazed, I must have passed out only to wake up on the floor.
A friend referred me to a doctor and I shared my story with him. After a month of all sorts of test I began to feel like this guy did not know what he was doing. He seemed pretty competent but I still had not gotten any answers. Eventually he made some conclusions and it ended up being nothing serious and I got a clean bill of health.
Two months go by and an associate of mine and I decide to go into business together. I left my job and drop the insurance with it. I did pick up some good group coverage with an organization I belong to. Not long I start getting bills from all sorts of labs, and the hospital. Clearly this must be a mistake so I think nothing of it. Bills piling up but I still think that someone will get to it. Eventually I see a bill from the doctor's office for my 4 visits. Now there starting to make me mad. Before I knew it the nasty letters start rolling in and to my surprise a phone call from the doctor's office being very upset about paying my bill. Well of coarse all hell breaks loose.
Their office eventually closed but they were persistent till the end to try and collect from me. I was able to convince the labs that I was not liable for the negligence of the doctor's office. I ended up having diabetes after all that and was able to get it covered with my new policy.