Find Out What The Ideal Body pH Level Is And How You Keep It High
The body pH level is the chemistry that makes up your body, and most people range between 6.
2 and 7.
This means that when your level is below this number then you are probably acidic, whereas if your lever is within the average or higher, it indicates a higher alkaline in your body.
When the numbers are on the low end, the body tends to be more susceptible to germs and toxins and as a result you will feel sluggish and have less energy to get around in your daily activities.
What is sad is that most Americans do not even realize that their pH levels are so low because they have been enduring the side effects for years.
Maintaining a high pH level, one that does not allow disease to grow and prevents cancer, is not all that difficult, it is just different from the fast foods and preservative filled foods that last on the shelf for years.
This is what this generation has grown up on, but this way of life and eating produces too many negative effects in our system.
Because the this is based on what goes into the body, it is within your control to balance and get into a healthy condition that will make you feel good.
Since the main way to balance your pH level is with the food you ingest, here is a list of alkaline producing foods that will raise the alkalinity in your body.
Almost all fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, fish, steroid-free chicken, whole grains like millet, oats, and barley, and herbal teas are rich in alkaline.
More intake of these foods will help you boost your pH level and create a healthy body! What will bring it down right away into the acidic level of under 7, are these foods.
Take time to read the labels because they love to hide these ingredients from view.
Acidic foods are: anything with refined sugar, white flour, high fructose corn syrup, (almost sounds healthy, doesn't it? Don't be fooled.
) and any food filled with chemicals, preservatives, or is fried.
In order to keep your pH level alkaline, these foods must be reduced or eliminated.
Choose small quantities of acidic-producing foods that are not such a blast to your system, like organic meats, whole grain bread and pastas, and dairy products.
It is smart to look at all the products that you are using that can be absorbed through the skin.
Here is a list of products that can be purchased from natural and 'Green'- minded companies that will help keep you maintain your pH balance: • Using pH-balanced soap for showering.
• Read the label on your shampoo, much can be absorbed through hair follicles.
• Make sure that any facial creams are alkaline based and not acidic.
• Check the bottled water that you drink.
Some actually are acidic-producing, and not neutral or alkaline.
The safest water to drink is alkaline water.
• Check cleaning supplies, since these can also be absorbed through the skin.
"Green' products are the safest bet.
Using these products will contribute to a high body pH level.
You can monitor your body's level with litmus paper and if you use this information in less than two weeks and you were able to stay on the average level then your body is functioning well.
2 and 7.
This means that when your level is below this number then you are probably acidic, whereas if your lever is within the average or higher, it indicates a higher alkaline in your body.
When the numbers are on the low end, the body tends to be more susceptible to germs and toxins and as a result you will feel sluggish and have less energy to get around in your daily activities.
What is sad is that most Americans do not even realize that their pH levels are so low because they have been enduring the side effects for years.
Maintaining a high pH level, one that does not allow disease to grow and prevents cancer, is not all that difficult, it is just different from the fast foods and preservative filled foods that last on the shelf for years.
This is what this generation has grown up on, but this way of life and eating produces too many negative effects in our system.
Because the this is based on what goes into the body, it is within your control to balance and get into a healthy condition that will make you feel good.
Since the main way to balance your pH level is with the food you ingest, here is a list of alkaline producing foods that will raise the alkalinity in your body.
Almost all fruits and vegetables, nuts and seeds, fish, steroid-free chicken, whole grains like millet, oats, and barley, and herbal teas are rich in alkaline.
More intake of these foods will help you boost your pH level and create a healthy body! What will bring it down right away into the acidic level of under 7, are these foods.
Take time to read the labels because they love to hide these ingredients from view.
Acidic foods are: anything with refined sugar, white flour, high fructose corn syrup, (almost sounds healthy, doesn't it? Don't be fooled.
) and any food filled with chemicals, preservatives, or is fried.
In order to keep your pH level alkaline, these foods must be reduced or eliminated.
Choose small quantities of acidic-producing foods that are not such a blast to your system, like organic meats, whole grain bread and pastas, and dairy products.
It is smart to look at all the products that you are using that can be absorbed through the skin.
Here is a list of products that can be purchased from natural and 'Green'- minded companies that will help keep you maintain your pH balance: • Using pH-balanced soap for showering.
• Read the label on your shampoo, much can be absorbed through hair follicles.
• Make sure that any facial creams are alkaline based and not acidic.
• Check the bottled water that you drink.
Some actually are acidic-producing, and not neutral or alkaline.
The safest water to drink is alkaline water.
• Check cleaning supplies, since these can also be absorbed through the skin.
"Green' products are the safest bet.
Using these products will contribute to a high body pH level.
You can monitor your body's level with litmus paper and if you use this information in less than two weeks and you were able to stay on the average level then your body is functioning well.