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Florida Medical Malpractice Lawyers Advice For A Good Case


Malpractice means negligence by a medical professional. Medical errors have been reported as a leading cause of death in the United States. Medical mistakes take place not only in hospitals but in day surgery and outpatient clinics, nursing homes, retail pharmacies, and home care. It is found that medication errors alone contribute to more than 7,000 deaths annually.

A doctor or hospital can be sued for, missing a diagnosis, failing to order tests, delaying treatment or other irrational conduct which may cause injury to a patient. Doctors rarely admit that they have done wrong -- and can almost always find a colleague or a fellow physician to defend their professional judgment. Law firms which accept malpractice cases must invest considerable time and money to help the victim prove that the care (or lack of it) caused the patient's injury or disability.

AFlorida malpractice lawyer says that medical malpractice can be caused through a health care provider's negligent action or failure to take action. Negligence is considered to be a stoppage by a provider to follow accepted professional standards of care (or what a "sensible" provider would do) that cause harm to a patient. A health care provider can't escape medical malpractice liability even if the patient has signed a consent form.

Common examples of medical malpractice which are given by the Florida malpractice lawyersare:

Diagnosing an incorrect condition and pursuing the wrong treatment
Failure to possess or use necessary skills
Failure to order necessary tests or evaluate their results
Failure to perform medical procedures in a competent manner
Misuse of prescription drugs
Potential medical malpractice cases are complex and difficult to investigate, and require the skills and experience of medical and legal experts.
More than 30 percent of the country's nursing homes have been found guilty for violations that put inhabitants in harm's way. Negligence and ill-treatment in nursing and residential care facilities in Florida has unfortunately become widespread. Nursing homes throughout Florida are cited with violations of state and federal law on a daily basis. Your loved ones can become the victims of this widespread neglect and abuse.

The most common types of neglect and ill-treatment are dehydration, malnutrition, pressure sores, infections, falls, burns etc. These injuries are often caused by lack of supervision and lack of staff.

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