Pets & Animal Pets Fish

Care For Beautiful But Rarer Fish

As you might have noticed in numerous rounds, people usually choose to pet adorable little creatures, such as puppies, kitties and little parrots, but there are also people who have weirder tastes and go for weirder little creatures.
This kind of creature can also be loved and they still deserve everyone's love and compassion.
The same goes for fish, which aren't always the best-looking or the most normal things you have ever seen.
For instance, you have the Sailfin Mollies.
These fish are part of the Poeciliida family and they have high-raised fins on their dorsal side.
They come from Yucatan and they are just adorable.
They have a impressive body, coloured in all kinds of bright colours and they have a blue-green touch all over their body which makes them simply beautiful.
When it comes to making the difference between the two genders, these male fish have orange-black fins while the females have the blue-gray shade going on.
Usually, these fish live in waters in which the density levels are the same as the pH levels and their favourite temperature is that of seventy-three up to eighty degrees Fahrenheit.
They need freshwater added regularly and they also need to have some salt added in it, three teaspoons with ten litres of water, to be more precise.
They feed on live bait and on vegetables.
Actually, you can give them all kinds of omnivorous foods.
These fish are just as adorable as they are good playmates.
They might not only be fond of you as their keeper, but they also like playing in the company of other similar fish or brothers or sisters of theirs.
They are pretty rare as compared to other fish, but they are sweeties.

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