Business & Finance Home Based Business

Why Start a Home Business?

There's nothing quite like the feeling of being your own boss. Working from the comfort of your own home is a dream for many and can be a lucrative, rewarding career. But do you have what it takes to be successful? Let's review why so many people aspire to check out of corporate life and start their own home business.

Being Your Own Boss - The number one reason people start their own home business it to be their own boss. No longer will you be responsible for answering to another person every day. No more artificial deadlines or destructive corporate politics to manuever around. Being your own boss will allow you to rapidly and efficeintly act on opportunities as they arise. However, even the simplest ideas take hard work and money to become reality and as a startup home business you probably have limited capital, so you will need to search out efficient ways to operate and concentrate on projects that can be completed quickly. Remember being your own boss requires a certain work ethic. With no one enforcing deadlines and sales quotas you can become easily distracted. That comfortable bed and big screen television in the other room can look mighty tempting!!

Setting Your Own Work Hours - When you have a 30 second commute from your living room to your home office, you can be very flexible with your daily schedule. Running a home business allows you to set the hours you wish to work, especially if you have no employees to keep track of. Better yet, if you run an Online home business you can operate your business anytime, even online at 2:00 a.m. You'll have the ability to work with people in different time zones or even different countries. You'll also have the ability to set your own Vacation Schedule. No more vacation worksheets and request forms. No waiting for coworkers with more senioroty to get back from their vacations. You can schedule your vacation during any season and even take advantage of last minute travel bargains.

Unlimited Job Security - No corporate cutbacks or unexpected early retirement. The only one who can fire you is YOU. Of course without a solid work ethic you can end up "Virtually Laid Off" when you run out of money from lack of business. With unlimited job security comes responsibility. Remember, you are the responsible party. The buck stops with you. It is your responsibility to become successful.

No Commute - With gas over $3.00 a gallon it's getting ridiculously expensive to commute to and from work each day. Many workers in California and other large cities commute 100 or more miles a day by car. The previously mentioned "30 Second Commute" from your bedroom to your office is one of the best perks of operating a home business. But remember not to fall into bad habits. Set a daily schedule and stick to it. Dress for success. Just because you can lay around in your PJ's doesn't mean you should. Dress and act professionally and your busines success will follow.

Family Time - Traditional employment allows very little time to spend with your family during the work week. You stumble along week to week and then one day you notice how fast the children are growing up and realize all of the important milestones you have missed in their life. While it's great to be around your family during the day, you have to guard against spending too much time with them when you are trying to work. When your spouse and children know you will be home all day they are more likely to ask you to do housework, run errands, do car pool duty, etc. Set some groundrules and let them know that just because you are home doesn't mean that you are not working. When you are in your office you ARE working and should not be disturbed. Only you can set the parameters of when and where you will spend family time.

Unlimited Opportunity - You can work as hard as you want, and make as much or as little money as you want. You can be your own best friend, or your own worst enemy. Only YOU can determine your level of success.

Running your own home business can be the best decision you make in your life, or your biggest mistake. If you have a burning desire to succeed, are organized, and can work well alone, you can be very successful. Some of the largest businesses in America today started out in someones spare bedroom or garage. But remember, with freedom comes responsibility. Make sure that you operate your home business like a real business and you will have a happy and successful life.

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