Cheapest Way to Soundproof a Room With Egg Cartons
- While not nearly as effective as professional materials, egg cartons are a cheap option that help to minimize the sound generated from echoes. Egg boxes do not lock sound in our out of a room, but they do help to break up sound waves that would otherwise rebound off of solid walls. In this sense, egg cartons are more useful for acoustic treatment of a room rather than soundproofing, but for those on a budget egg boxes do offer marginal improvement.
- Collect as many egg cartons as possible for your soundproofing project. Both cardboard and foam cartons will work. The dimple shape is the most important aspect for dampening sound waves. To collect enough quicker, visit your local supermarkets and restaurants and speak to the managers to see if they will let you collect the egg cartons they normally throw out. Ask friends and family to save up their cartons as well.
- Install your egg cartons using glue, staples or nails depending on the type of wall you are working with. Start in the corner and work your way up and out. Open each carton and spread it against the wall with the bumpy side facing out before securing it in place.