Health & Medical Skin Conditions & Dermatology

Dr. Dima responds to question about under eye dryness

Subject: What is a good eye cream? Name: Soodi Question: I need some eye cream for dryness around my eyes, do you recommend a great one? Ask Dr. Dima a question.

It would be helpful to know a few things to be able to give an adequate response to this question. Among them are age, any existing skin conditions, any history of allergies and whether the dryness has any associated symptoms. But, having said that, I will do my best to give you a few recommendations.

First and foremost, our skin has a built-in mechanism for keeping itself hydrated and one of the most common causes of dry skin under the eyes (or anywhere really) is dehydration. So make sure you're drinking plenty of water daily and the water in ice tea/coffee/soda don't count.

Another cause of dryness under the eyes is using a product that has a potent skin rejuvenating ingredient in it such as Vitamin A, Retin-A , undereye-faceVitamin C or similar cellular turnover ingredient. Many women I treat experience this "paradox." They call or come back stating that they've been very compliant with the skin regimen I prescribed but their skin feels dry and the wrinkles under their eyes look worse. In reality, they are developing new collagen resulting in softer, smoother skin. Now that's a real eye opener!

There is a product called Galactic Glove Seal Your Skin Serumby Dr. Dima's Cosminology that helps to soothe the dryness almost instantly without irritation. Another is Heal Me at the Speed of Light Recovery Gel. Both are non-irritating and are best applied immediately after cleansing. Another very good product is Obagi Nu-Derm Eye Cream by the deity of dermatology himself, Dr. Zein Obagi. Remember not to use tepid to warm water for cleansing. If the water is too hot, it strips the skin of essential lipids leading to increased dryness.

Now, hypothetically of course, let's say you're out camping in the undereye-lost1wilderness or you find yourself "LOST" on a deserted island with no internet or malls...ever wonder how those T.V. stars still manage to look so good? Assuming you have plenty of drinking water, your best bets would be an aloe plant, olive or coconut oil and even lip balm or any petroleum based product. Lastly, you only have two of them. Protect your eyes from harmful UV rays with sunblock and sunglasses. I hope this helps! Dr. Dima This information is not intended as medical advice. If you have a medical concern, please check with your doctor.

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