How to Kill Lice Eggs
An extremely common problem among children is a lice infestation.
They are most vulnerable to get an infestation of head lice between the ages of three and ten.
The biggest problem however is that the problem doesn't just stay on a single child.
It will quickly spread to the family members of the child, the child's friends, and likely their classmates as well.
After discovering a lice infestation it is important to kill it off as fast as possible in order to avoid its spread.
These parasitic insects spread exponentially over the globe every single year.
Among children lice infestation, also known as pediculosis, is considered a global endemic.
However once you have killed all of the living lice in a person's hair, it is likely that there are still eggs, or nits, left behind.
These can hatch and start the entire process all over again, so it is important to kill the head lice eggs.
There are several different options you can use to kill head lice eggs.
The first is to use a commercial shampoo made specifically to kill head lice.
This will likely require a few treatments because of the life cycles of lice.
You will find a commercial product will be far more successful at killing an infestation than a home remedy.
Another great option is to use a delousing comb.
These are specially made combs created to get nits and living lice out of the hair of the child.
This is important because the lice eggs are considerably harder to kill than living lice and removing as many of them as possible from a child's hair will go a long way towards killing the infestation quickly.
One other method is simply to shave the child's head.
This is considerably more acceptable for young boys than it is for girls.
If you do not feel comfortable cutting your little girl's hair you can still make a considerable difference by shortening the child's hair.
They are most vulnerable to get an infestation of head lice between the ages of three and ten.
The biggest problem however is that the problem doesn't just stay on a single child.
It will quickly spread to the family members of the child, the child's friends, and likely their classmates as well.
After discovering a lice infestation it is important to kill it off as fast as possible in order to avoid its spread.
These parasitic insects spread exponentially over the globe every single year.
Among children lice infestation, also known as pediculosis, is considered a global endemic.
However once you have killed all of the living lice in a person's hair, it is likely that there are still eggs, or nits, left behind.
These can hatch and start the entire process all over again, so it is important to kill the head lice eggs.
There are several different options you can use to kill head lice eggs.
The first is to use a commercial shampoo made specifically to kill head lice.
This will likely require a few treatments because of the life cycles of lice.
You will find a commercial product will be far more successful at killing an infestation than a home remedy.
Another great option is to use a delousing comb.
These are specially made combs created to get nits and living lice out of the hair of the child.
This is important because the lice eggs are considerably harder to kill than living lice and removing as many of them as possible from a child's hair will go a long way towards killing the infestation quickly.
One other method is simply to shave the child's head.
This is considerably more acceptable for young boys than it is for girls.
If you do not feel comfortable cutting your little girl's hair you can still make a considerable difference by shortening the child's hair.