Tips for maintaining a healthy septic system
A septic tank can be viewed as a small scale sewerage treatment system which forms the basic component of a septic system. Septic tanks may have a capacity of about 700000 liters and are mainly found in areas connected to a private or public sewerage system.
Septic tanks are essential facilities in all homesteads. However, when poorly managed, septic tanks have negative health and environmental implications. Septic tanks should be properly monitored in order to make sure that they meet the required standards and also ensuring that they do not have negative implication on the environment. The following are some tips on proper septic management.
Tips for maintaining a healthy septic system
1. Proper inspection
In order to maintain a good septic system it is advisable to ensure that your septic tank is properly inspected by experts in the field. Septic inspection aids error detection or any other mistakes present in the system. Also, septic tanks inspections should be regular and should be done professionally.
2. Repair and maintenance
After conducting the inspection of the tank, the next step should be the implementation of the recommendations .This is achieved by carrying out necessary repair and maintenance according to specification. Septic repair should be done by experts who have the desired knowledge in the field. Repair and maintenance should be done regularly
3. Septic management
For a healthy septic tank, septic should be emptied after every two years. Reason behind septic emptying is to eliminate solid substances inside the tank that have accumulated over the past. Solid substances cause clogging which as a result blocks drainage. By emptying the tank regularly one is able to discover and problems that in septic underground
4. Septic tanks Treatments
Septic treatment is the most vital activity that works to maintain a healthy septic tank. There are various treatments that are available for septic tanks. The most advisable treatment to use is the bacteria additive. In normal households a lot of antibacterial products are used. As a result when the waste reaches the septic, all the bacteria's are killed. Bacteria decompose solid septic materials into soluble components. Bacteria additive increases bacteria activities which as a result decomposes all solid substances present in the septic tank
5. Proper equipping
A good septic tank should have all the equipment's that aids the running of a septic tank. Equipment's such as drainage pipes and septic filters should be present in any septic tank. Septic filter regulate substances entering a septic while drainage pipes are used when draining out septic waste
6. Personal management
Lastly for healthy septic tanks all individual and owners should take responsibility over the facility. All the users should regulate what they empty on their septic's. With good personal supervision of what goes inside the septic system one can get rid of all the other septic maintenance practices.
Advantages of maintaining a septic system
-It is healthy
-Make the septic tank environmental friendly
-less expensive
-helps to create comfort
The above activities should be carried out in order to ensure that septic tanks are properly managed.
A septic tank can be viewed as a small scale sewerage treatment system which forms the basic component of a septic system. Septic tanks may have a capacity of about 700000 liters and are mainly found in areas connected to a private or public sewerage system.
Septic tanks are essential facilities in all homesteads. However, when poorly managed, septic tanks have negative health and environmental implications. Septic tanks should be properly monitored in order to make sure that they meet the required standards and also ensuring that they do not have negative implication on the environment. The following are some tips on proper septic management.
Tips for maintaining a healthy septic system
1. Proper inspection
In order to maintain a good septic system it is advisable to ensure that your septic tank is properly inspected by experts in the field. Septic inspection aids error detection or any other mistakes present in the system. Also, septic tanks inspections should be regular and should be done professionally.
2. Repair and maintenance
After conducting the inspection of the tank, the next step should be the implementation of the recommendations .This is achieved by carrying out necessary repair and maintenance according to specification. Septic repair should be done by experts who have the desired knowledge in the field. Repair and maintenance should be done regularly
3. Septic management
For a healthy septic tank, septic should be emptied after every two years. Reason behind septic emptying is to eliminate solid substances inside the tank that have accumulated over the past. Solid substances cause clogging which as a result blocks drainage. By emptying the tank regularly one is able to discover and problems that in septic underground
4. Septic tanks Treatments
Septic treatment is the most vital activity that works to maintain a healthy septic tank. There are various treatments that are available for septic tanks. The most advisable treatment to use is the bacteria additive. In normal households a lot of antibacterial products are used. As a result when the waste reaches the septic, all the bacteria's are killed. Bacteria decompose solid septic materials into soluble components. Bacteria additive increases bacteria activities which as a result decomposes all solid substances present in the septic tank
5. Proper equipping
A good septic tank should have all the equipment's that aids the running of a septic tank. Equipment's such as drainage pipes and septic filters should be present in any septic tank. Septic filter regulate substances entering a septic while drainage pipes are used when draining out septic waste
6. Personal management
Lastly for healthy septic tanks all individual and owners should take responsibility over the facility. All the users should regulate what they empty on their septic's. With good personal supervision of what goes inside the septic system one can get rid of all the other septic maintenance practices.
Advantages of maintaining a septic system
-It is healthy
-Make the septic tank environmental friendly
-less expensive
-helps to create comfort
The above activities should be carried out in order to ensure that septic tanks are properly managed.