Health & Medical sports & Exercise

Sharpening Elementary American Football Practicing Drills

Prevent fumbles with strong techniques

A team that prevents fumbles is a team that wins. Nothing is worse for your offensive team then turning it over carelessly to the other team in a fumble. There are four points to protecting the football. First grab the football with your carrying hand with the tips of the football being covered with your fingers. Second, wrap your forearm completely around the football. Third point is to have the ball held tight against the bicep to prevent defenders from punching up through from behind. Fourth, pull the football up and tight against your ribcage closing the gap on the football from all four sides. Practice holding the football and having defensive players try and knock out the football by any means possible. In this way you can practice great defensive moves to force a fumble, and also focus on offensive ball protection.

Building your muscles and endurance through Weightlifting

Lifting weights is a fundamental requirement to improve your football skills. The effects of weight lifting will add muscle to your body and increase strength, this straighten will add to your maximum power. Maximum power differs in importance to strength due to the fact that it is exertion during play and not just muscle mass. It is the quickness and exertion that will enable a football player to accomplish their plays with skill on the field. Weight lifting can cause injuries, and as such we highly recommend having a professional coach on hand during weightlifting sessions. You trainer will also help you accomplish your weightlifting goals and teach you new techniques.

Running Drills are a big help

Running drills are one of the most basic ways that you can enhance your endurance. These drills are meant to help you play your hardest throughout the entire game. Even with all of these benefits you will notice that most of the complaints in practice come from running drills. Just remember that in the end it is the fastest that win games. Running has a final help to your team, and that is learning how to push beyond your limits, you will be surprised how often that happens in football, and in life

Tackling Fundamentals and Safety

Tackling is fundamental to football, and should receive proper attention at practices. If executed poorly not only will you not succeed in stopping the offensive team, but you could possibly injure yourself in the process. When you tackle your opponent remember three important steps:

First, you need to stop the opponent quickly so make sure to place yourself directly in front of the opponents path. An excellent technique is to plant your foot in the middle of your opponents. Also, and in coordination with your feet throw your arms back preparing to grab.

Second, push your other foot keeping your knees low and bent, and in sync with your feet throw your hands up hard around the offensive player. As your feet plants your head should be making its first contact. Never, ever, ever tackle with the top of your head down, keep it up and square against your opponent. Tell yourself, or your players to imagine that they are biting the football.

Third, throw your hips up and hard as you drive the offensive player backwards. Setting yourself up for this last step will ultimately prove the success in the tackle.

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