Bates Method for Better Eyesight - Natural Means to Cure Eye Problems
There are people with eye problems who can get away with not wearing either glasses or contact lenses.
These people make use of an alternative therapy known to improve eyesight.
This therapy is known as the Bates method.
The Bates method was developed by eye-care physician William Horatio Bates.
He believed that eye problems are caused by habitual eye strain and can be improved by relaxation.
Through relaxation, habitual eye strain can be relieved.
He also believed that glasses are not necessary to improve eyesight.
He believed that methods aimed at relaxation are the keys to improving eyesight.
The following are the Bates method for better eyesight which he claimed helped his patients improve their eyesight.
The first method is palming.
Palming entails you to close your eyes for minutes at a time to relax them.
Relaxation can be deepened by covering your closed eyes with your palms without putting pressure on your eyeballs.
The second method is visualization.
Visualization places importance on mental images and that relaxation was the key to clarity of imagination as well as of sight.
The third method is movement.
Movement involves moving your eyes back and forth, up and down and from side to side.
This is because Bates believed that the manner of eye movement affected the sight.
The final method is sunning.
Bates believed that the eyes would benefit by exposure to sunlight, the reason why the final method came into being.
He recommended that sunning should be done with closed eyelids only.
For those of you who have eye problems and do not want to wear glasses or contact lenses, there is no harm in trying the Bates method for better eyesight.
They are methods with which you can improve your eyesight naturally without using glasses and contact lenses to be able to see clearly.
And because the Bates method does not encourage anything other than natural means to cure eye problems, you need not undergo eye surgery to correct your vision.
All you need is knowledge about this method, and you are off to see clearly without having to use glasses or contact lenses all throughout your lives.
These people make use of an alternative therapy known to improve eyesight.
This therapy is known as the Bates method.
The Bates method was developed by eye-care physician William Horatio Bates.
He believed that eye problems are caused by habitual eye strain and can be improved by relaxation.
Through relaxation, habitual eye strain can be relieved.
He also believed that glasses are not necessary to improve eyesight.
He believed that methods aimed at relaxation are the keys to improving eyesight.
The following are the Bates method for better eyesight which he claimed helped his patients improve their eyesight.
The first method is palming.
Palming entails you to close your eyes for minutes at a time to relax them.
Relaxation can be deepened by covering your closed eyes with your palms without putting pressure on your eyeballs.
The second method is visualization.
Visualization places importance on mental images and that relaxation was the key to clarity of imagination as well as of sight.
The third method is movement.
Movement involves moving your eyes back and forth, up and down and from side to side.
This is because Bates believed that the manner of eye movement affected the sight.
The final method is sunning.
Bates believed that the eyes would benefit by exposure to sunlight, the reason why the final method came into being.
He recommended that sunning should be done with closed eyelids only.
For those of you who have eye problems and do not want to wear glasses or contact lenses, there is no harm in trying the Bates method for better eyesight.
They are methods with which you can improve your eyesight naturally without using glasses and contact lenses to be able to see clearly.
And because the Bates method does not encourage anything other than natural means to cure eye problems, you need not undergo eye surgery to correct your vision.
All you need is knowledge about this method, and you are off to see clearly without having to use glasses or contact lenses all throughout your lives.