How to Set Up a Microsoft Fax
- 1). Click "Start > All Programs > Windows Fax and Scan" after making sure your fax modem is installed correctly to your machine and connected to a regular (analog) phone line.
- 2). Click the "Fax" button, located at the bottom of the left menu, and click "New Fax" from the toolbar at the top of the window in order to launch the "Fax Setup wizard."
- 3). Click "Connect to a fax modem" and follow the sequence of instructions that allows Windows to locate and connect to your modem.
- 4). Click "Tools > Fax Settings" to set up the program. Under the "General" tab, check the box to "Allow device to receive fax calls" and "Allow device to send fax calls."
- 5). Click "Automatically answer after X rings," and enter the number of rings you'd like the program to wait before kicking in, if you'd like the program to function automatically. Click "OK."
- 6). Click "Manually answer" if you'd like to manipulate the program yourself. Click "OK." If you are expecting a fax when the phone rings, click "Start > All Programs > Windows Fax and Scan > Fax > Receive a Fax Now" to accept the call as a fax transmission.
- 7). Monitor the progress of a fax by adjusting settings under the "Tracking" tab. Set redial rules under the "Advanced" tab, and set access rights for various users under the "Security" tab.