How to Find the Best Realtor When Flipping Houses
A real estate agent is usually just a person trying to make money for his or her family.
There are some investors who look at them as if they were the enemy but actually it is quite the contrary.
It is true that they care about their commission more than anything else, but isn't that how we all are? They are looking to make as much money as they can.
If you let them know that you plan to be a repeat customer, you will usually make a friend for life.
You will then have a much better chance at getting things to go your way.
There is really no secret to finding the best Realtor when flipping houses.
You can pretty much use any Realtor you like.
It usually just involves you taking the time to explain to them exactly what your plan is.
If you don't do this right from the start, you could find yourself looking at a lot of homes that don't suit your needs.
They will usually be way over your budget, move in ready, over priced or in the wrong neighborhood.
Before you look at your first house sit down with them and go over your purchasing details.
Your ultimate goal is to either look for a Realtor who works with investors regularly or make a detailed list of the features, locations and price range you want, be as explicit as you possibly can.
This will help the agent as well as you because once they see it in a list like that they might know of a couple right off the top of their head.
Be sure to make them aware that you are looking for someone who will help you find many more of these types of homes in the future.
Once you do, they will usually be very happy to assist you with flipping houses.
There are some investors who look at them as if they were the enemy but actually it is quite the contrary.
It is true that they care about their commission more than anything else, but isn't that how we all are? They are looking to make as much money as they can.
If you let them know that you plan to be a repeat customer, you will usually make a friend for life.
You will then have a much better chance at getting things to go your way.
There is really no secret to finding the best Realtor when flipping houses.
You can pretty much use any Realtor you like.
It usually just involves you taking the time to explain to them exactly what your plan is.
If you don't do this right from the start, you could find yourself looking at a lot of homes that don't suit your needs.
They will usually be way over your budget, move in ready, over priced or in the wrong neighborhood.
Before you look at your first house sit down with them and go over your purchasing details.
Your ultimate goal is to either look for a Realtor who works with investors regularly or make a detailed list of the features, locations and price range you want, be as explicit as you possibly can.
This will help the agent as well as you because once they see it in a list like that they might know of a couple right off the top of their head.
Be sure to make them aware that you are looking for someone who will help you find many more of these types of homes in the future.
Once you do, they will usually be very happy to assist you with flipping houses.