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How to Pitch Your Movie Script or Story Idea to Hollywood

If you have a script idea or a completed script that you would like to discuss with a certain producer or studio, the best method is by calling the producers production office. Chances are you will probably speak with a member of the producers staff. Normally a secretary or production assistant.

The producers staff is very important. Think producers assistants are not important and/or a waste of your time? Think again. They are very important. The Producers staff are always looking for a reason to barge into their bosses office with - €Boy, have I found a good story for you!" Producers' assistants are always looking for ways to impress the boss, why not give them one.

When you have a member of the producers staff on the phone, remember not to sound over anxious. You don't want to sound like you will just die if you can not land an interview or that your next meal depends on the sale of your story. You want to sound as professional as possible. Keep your call brief and to the point. Do sound excited, but not overly.

Also, if a member of the producers staff asks you to give a brief summary of what your script is about, you should tell them without hesitation. If you display one ounce of doubt in revealing your story idea, or if you show the slightest concern that you are afraid to disclose your story idea out of fear that your creation will be stolen - then you are dead in the water.

The stealing of scripts in Hollywood by agents and/or producers is almost non existent. In Hollywood today - where million dollar deals are common place - nobody in their right mind needs to go around stealing scripts. It's just not going to happen. And, anyone who shows concern about their script being stolen, is usually looked down upon by industry professionals.

In-Other-Words, if you go around displaying fear that your script may be stolen - then a little red warning flag is raised. Hollywood insiders begin to think to themselves, €why is this guy so afraid? What does he think were going to do, steal his script? Sheeesh, he hasn't even made his first sale yet, a real No-Namer, and he's anticipating were going to rip off his script!"

The last thing YOU want to do is make Hollywood insiders feel uncomfortable. Especially about working with you. When you start displaying fear about whether your story idea or script will be safe under their care, in a way, that's very insulting, and clearly displays how much trust you have. You then have €I AM an OUTSIDER" written all over your face. And, Hollywood is very reluctant to do business with OutSiders.

Remember - Hollywood is a close knit family and they are many times fearful of doing business outside of their secure environment. They often make deals over the phone and many times at lunch. If you want to fit in, you must make them feel at ease. Your chances of survival in Hollywood will be much greater if you come off looking like an INSIDER rather than an OUTSIDER.

Hollywood is a puzzle, a very unique, fun and mysterious place. Nothing is as it seems in Hollywood World. And, that seems to be the way they like it. If you come from the old school, where you think talent alone should be sufficient enough, then you are very sadly mistaken. Talent is a major factor, yes - sometimes, but not always.

But, being a good game player can many times eclipse the fact that you lack talent. Personally, I feel making contacts in Hollywood is VITAL. Take a trip there and make a scene. Hollywood loves €em. And Take an agent to lunch, they love that. Call a production office and take a producers assistant to lunch too. And, don't forget to make make them feel important.

Call anyone and everyone you can in Hollywood. Be energetic and fun. Hollywood likes energy. Announce your arrival. Make it an event. Hollywood loves events. In-other-words, play their game! Dare to be outlandish. SELL! If you want it - want it so bad you can taste it - you can make it happen!

Paris Anderson:

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